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p5.js loadXML() Function

The loadXML() function is used to read the contents of a file or URL and return it as a XML object. The file must be present in the sketch directory to be accessed. This method can be used to support file sizes up to 64MB.

This function is asynchronous, therefore it is recommended to be called in the preload() function to ensure that the function is executed before the other functions.


loadXML(filename, callback, errorCallback )

Parameters: This function accepts three parameters as mentioned above and described below:

The examples below illustrate the loadXML() function in p5.js:

Example 1:

/* == Contents of books.xml ==
    <name>The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Part One</name>
    <author>Arthur Conan Doyle</author>
    <genre>Detective fiction</genre>
let loadedXML = null;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 200);
  text("Click on the button below to "
       + "load XML from file", 20, 20);
  // Create a button for loading the XML
  loadBtn = createButton("Load XML from file");
  loadBtn.position(30, 50)
function loadXMLFile() {
  // Load the XML from file
  loadedXML = loadXML('books.xml', onFileload);
function onFileload() {
  text("XML loaded successfully...", 30, 100);
  let book = loadedXML.getChildren();
  // Get the content of the tags
  let name = book[0].getContent();
  let author = book[1].getContent();
  let price = book[2].getContent();
  let genre = book[3].getContent();
  text("Name: " + name, 30, 140);
  text("Author: " + author, 30, 160);
  text("Price: " + price, 30, 180);
  text("Genre: " + genre, 30, 200);


Example 2:

/* == Contents of movies.xml ==
    <movie year="1972" director="Francis Ford Coppola">
        The Godfather
    <movie year="1939" director="Victor Fleming">
        The Wizard of Oz
    <movie year="1941" director="Orson Welles">
        Citizen Kane
let loadedXML = null;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 450);
  text("Click on the button below to "
        + "load XML from file", 20, 20);
  // Create a button for loading the XML
  loadBtn = createButton("Load XML from file");
  loadBtn.position(30, 50)
function loadXMLFile() {
  // Load the XML from file
  loadedXML = loadXML('movies.xml', onFileload);
function onFileload() {
  // Get the children with the "movie" tag
  let children = loadedXML.getChildren('movie');
  for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    // Get the content of the tag
    let name = children[i].getContent();
    // Get a numerical attribute
    let year = children[i].getNum('year');
    // Get a string attribute
    let director = children[i].getString('director');
    text("Name: " + name, 30, 100 + i * 80);
    text("Year: " + year, 30, 120 + i * 80);
    text("Director: " + director, 30, 140 + i * 80);


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