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p5.js | getLevel() Function

The getLevel() function is an inbuilt function in p5.js library. This function is used to returns a single Amplitude reading at the moment it is called. For continuous readings, you can run in the draw loop.



Note: All the sound-related functions only work when the sound library is included in the head section of the index.html file.

Parameter: This function accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

Below example illustrates the p5.getLevel() function in JavaScript:

function preload(){
  sound1 = loadSound('song.mp3');
  sound2 = loadSound('pfivesound.mp3');
function setup(){
  amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();;;
function draw() {
  let gfg = amplitude.getLevel();
  let size = map(gfg, 0, 1, 0, 400);
  ellipse(width/1, height/1, size*2, size*2);
function mousePressed(){
function mouseReleased(){;

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Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by p5.js getLevel() function are listed below:

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