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OffsetTime of(LocalTime) method in Java with Examples

The of(LocalTime time, ZoneOffset offset) method of the OffsetTime class in Java is used to create an instance of OffsetTime from the given instances of localtime and offset.


public static OffsetTime of(LocalTime time,
                            ZoneOffset offset)

Parameters: The method accepts two parameters.

Return value: This method returns the OffsetTime.

Exception: This method does not throw any exception.

Below programs illustrate the of(LocalTime, ZoneOffset) method of OffsetTime class in Java:

Program 1:

// Java program to demonstrate
// OffsetTime of(
// LocalTime, ZoneOffset) method
import java.time.*;
import java.time.temporal.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(
        String[] args)
        // Create OffsetTime object
        OffsetTime offsettime
            = OffsetTime.of(
        // Print time
            "TIME: "
            + offsettime);

TIME: 03:14:11.212Z

Program 2:

// Java program to demonstrate
// OffsetTime of(
// LocalTime, ZoneOffset) method
import java.time.*;
import java.time.temporal.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(
        String[] args)
        // Create LocalTime object
        LocalTime time
            = LocalTime.of(
                8, 45, 40, 50);
        // Create ZoneOffset object
        ZoneOffset offset
            = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(
                5, 30);
        // Create OffsetTime object
        OffsetTime offsettime
            = OffsetTime.of(
                time, offset);
        // Print time
            "TIME: "
            + offsettime);

TIME: 08:45:40.000000050+05:30

References:, java.time.ZoneOffset)

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