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ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity

It is an open standard Application Programming Interface also known as API which is used for accessing a database. First ODBC driver was build in 1992 when Microsoft partners with Simba named SIMBA.DLL. With the help of ODBC statement in a program. We can access different files in a number of a different or common database. 

History : 
First ODBC standard was introduced in 1992 by Microsoft. This driver was a standard model that is basically designed to unify access to different SQL databases. Seeing huge success of ODBC, Microsoft introduced another DB (database) named OLE DB which was to be a broader data access standard than ODBC. It was basically a data access standard that can be performed beyond just SQL databases and that was extended to a different type of data source that could represent data in form of rows and columns. 

The basic plan of Microsoft was that OLE DB would takeover ODBC as most common data access standard. Recently Microsoft introduced another data access standard named ADO. ADO was supposed to work further than OLE DB because ADO was more object-oriented. 

With so many advancements to reduce use of ODBC doesn’t work out as ODBC has continued to be de facto data access standard for SQL data sources. The main reason behind is its cross-platform data access standard power. And Today also most common data access standards for different SQL data sources continue to be ODBC and JDBC, not OLE DB or ADO. 

Components of ODBC : 
There are 4 main components of ODBC these are as follows : 

  1. Application – 
    This component basically calls ODBC function and submits SQL statements. 
  2. Driver Manager – 
    The role of this component is to load driver for each application. 
  3. Driver – 
    Role of this component to handle all function calls and then submits each SQL requests to a data source. 
  4. Data Source – 
    Role of this component to access data. 

Features of ODBC : 
Following are some of features of ODBC : 

Disadvantages of ODBC:

Despite having lots of advantages and features ODBC also posses some disadvantages too these are as follows :

  1. Slow with large databases – 
    As the size of databases increase speed of ODBC reduces. 
  2. Servers not standardized – 
    In ODBC since most of work is done by clients or User, it is very difficult to scale and also these ODBC drivers are also not standardized. Because of which clients maintain their own driver, naming tables which creates a problem for management of large sites. 
  3. Complicated to build – 
    These ODBC drivers are complicated to build and also complicated to maintain. 
  4. Depends on framework – 
    As ODBC specification specifies only application protocol so it basically inherits features of framework in which it is used on. Thus we can say that reliability depends on implementation of request/response protocol of underlying framework that is being used. 
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