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Objection.js | SQL friendly ORM for Node.js

Node.js has plenty of object-relational mappers (for relational databases) that we can choose from few popular ones are:

  1. Sequelize
  2. Mongoose or Prisma
  3. TypeORM
  4. Objection.js (Read the full documentation here)

Why consider Objection.js?
So here are few reasons to consider using it:

The following steps have to be followed to install and use Objection.js:

So the way you install it is to install two dependencies: knex and objection using the following command:

npm i knex -g --save
npm i objection --save

Knex is a powerful SQL query builder (it is used a whole bunch of different ORMs). So under the hood, objection uses Knex. Besides building SQL queries, Knex is used to establish database connections and pooling connections. It is also used for managing database schemas via migrations. 

You might also need to install a database driver for whatever SQL database you want to use. Some various options available, just install them using the following command:

npm i pg
npm i sqlite3
npm i mysql
npm i mariasql

Creating a Database:
Filename: app.js

const { Client } = require('pg');
const { db } = require('./config');
const client = new Client();
(async () => {
  await client.connect();
  await client.query(`CREATE DATABASE ${db.connection.database}`);
  await client.end();

Creating Migrations:

knex migrate:make create_tasks_table

The generate migrations will look something like this:

Filename: empty_migration.js

exports.up = function (knex, Promise) {
exports.down = function (knex, Promise) {

Now we can perform certain actions like creating a table:
Filename: knex_migration.js

const tableName = 'tasks';
exports.up = knex => {
  // Create the tasks table
  return knex.schema.createTable(tableName, table => {
    table.timestamps(true, true);
exports.down = knex => {
  // Drop the tasks table
  return knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(tableName);

Now, if you want to run them, then the following code will execute it:

knex migrate:latest


A really nice and simple example is shown below:
Filename: TaskModel.js

// Task Model
const { MODEL } = require('objection');
const db = require('../db');
// Pass he knex connection to Objection
class Task extends Model {
  // Tells objection what the db 
  // table is for the model
  static get tableName() {
    return 'tasks';
module.exports = Task;

The project structure will look like this:

If we use the objection_standard_query.js file to check the output then the output will look something like this:

So the Objection queries are really powerful and easy to use.

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