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NuxtJS Commands

In this article, we are going to learn about NuxtJS Commands that are present in the NuxtJS framework. It comes with some useful commands for development and production. All the Nuxtjs commands are described with the output images.

Create NuxtJS Application:

Step 1: You can create a new NuxtJs project using the below command:

npx create-nuxt-app gfg


Step 2: Now navigate to your app using the following command:

cd gfg

Project Structure: It will look like this.

If you open your package.json you can see 4 commands in the script section. 

Commands: Let’s look into these commands in detail.

Dev: This command is used to run the development server on your device. You can start the development server by typing the below command in the terminal:


Output: In terminal, now you can use your app on localhost on port 3000.

Build: This command will build an optimized version of your app for production. You can start the production build using the below commands in the terminal.


Generate: This command will build a static version ( HTML files ) of your app for production. You can start the build using the below commands in the terminal.


Start: This command will start your production build ( static or server). You can start the build using the below commands in the terminal:

Note:To run the start command first you have to build a production build of your application. Otherwise, you will see a “No build found” error.


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