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Numpy string operations | rindex() function

 numpy.core.defchararray.rindex() function, raises ValueError when the substring sub is not found. Calls str.rindex element-wise.

Syntax : numpy.core.defchararray.rindex(arr, sub, start = 0, end = None)

Parameters :

arr : [array-like of str or unicode]  Array-like of str .

sub : [str or unicode] Input string or unicode.

start, end : [int, optional] Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.

Return : Return the output array of ints.

Code #1 :  

# Python program explaining 
# numpy.char.rindex() function 
# importing numpy as geek  
import numpy as geek 
arr = "GeeksforGeeks - A computer science portal for geeks"
sub = 'science'
gfg = geek.char.rindex(arr, sub)
print (gfg)

Output :  


Code #2 :  

# Python program explaining 
# numpy.char.rindex() function 
# importing numpy as geek  
import numpy as geek 
arr = "GeeksforGeeks - A computer science portal for geeks"
sub = 'geeks'
gfg = geek.char.rindex(arr, sub, start = 0, end = None)
print (gfg)

Output : 


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