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numpy.polyder() in Python

The numpy.polyder() method evaluates the derivative of a polynomial with specified order.

Syntax :numpy.polyder(p, m)
Parameters :
p : [array_like or poly1D]the polynomial coefficients are given in decreasing order of powers. If the second parameter (root) is set to True then array values are the roots of the polynomial equation.
For example : poly1d(3, 2, 6) = 3x2 + 2x + 6

m : [int, optional] Order of differentiation.

Return: Derivative of polynomial.

Code : Python code explaining polyder()

# Python code explaining 
# numpy.polyder()
# importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Constructing polynomial 
p1 = np.poly1d([1, 2]) 
p2 = np.poly1d([4, 9, 5, 4]) 
print ("P1 : ", p1) 
print ("\n p2 : \n", p2) 

# Solve for x = 2 
print ("\n\np1 at x = 2 : ", p1(2)) 
print ("p2 at x = 2 : ", p2(2)) 

a = np.polyder(p1, 1)
b = np.polyder(p2, 1)
print ("\n\nUsing polyder")
print ("p1 derivative of order = 1 : \n", a) 
print ("p2 derivative of order = 1 : \n", b) 

a = np.polyder(p1, 2)
b = np.polyder(p2, 2)
print ("\n\nUsing polyder")
print ("p1 derivative of order = 2 : ", a) 
print ("p2 derivative of order = 2 : ", b)

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