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numpy.isrealobj() in Python

numpy.isrealobj(array) : This logical function helps to checks if the array has no complex type or array has a complex number. Even if imaginary part is equal to zero, it is not considered to be a Real Object.

Parameters :

array    : [array_like]Input array or object whose elements, we need to test.

Return :

True, if the input array hasn't any complex element; otherwise False 

Code 1 :

# Python program explaining
# isrealobj() function
import numpy as np
in_array = [1, 3, 5, 4]
print ("Input array : ", in_array)
output_value = np.isrealobj(in_array)
print ("\nIs real : ", output_value)

Output :

Input array :  [1, 3, 5, 4]

Is real :  True

Code 2 :

# Python Program illustrating
# numpy.isrealobj() method   
import numpy as geek 
# Returns True/False value for each element 
a = geek.arange(20).reshape(5, 4)
print("Is real : ", geek.isrealobj(a))
# Returns True/False value as ans 
# because we have mentioned dtpe in the beginning
b = geek.arange(20).reshape(5, 4).dtype = complex
print("\nIs real : ", geek.isrealobj(b))
b = [[1j], 
print("\nIs real : ", geek.isrealobj(b))

Output :

Is real :  True

 class 'complex'

Is real :  True

Is real :  False

References :

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