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Node.js URL.href API

The url.href is an inbuilt application programming interface of class URL with in the url module which Gets and sets the serialized URL. Getting the value of the href property is equivalent to calling the url.toString() method.Setting the value of this property to a new value is equivalent to creating a new URL object using new URL(value). Each of the URL object’s properties will be modified.


const url.href 

Return value: It gets and sets the serialized URL.
Below programs illustrate the use of url.href Method:
Example 1:  

// node program to demonstrate the 
// url.href API as Setter 
//importing the module 'url'
const http = require('url');
// creating and initializing myURL
const myURL = new URL('');
// Display href value of myURL before change
console.log("Before Change");
// assigning serialized URL
// using href
myURL.href = '';
// Display href value of myURL after change
console.log("After Change");


Example 2: 

// node program to demonstrate the 
// url.href API as Getter 
//importing the module 'url'
const http = require('url');
// creating and initializing myURL
const myURL = new URL('');
// getting the serialized URL
// using href
const href = myURL.href;
// Display hostname value 



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