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Node.js trace_events.createTracing() Method

The trace_events.createTracing(options) (Added in v10.0.0) method is an inbuilt application programming interface of the ‘trace_events’ module which creates the Tracing object and returns the same for the given set of categories. The trace_events module contains Tracing objects which is used to enable or disable tracing for sets of categories. 



In order to use this (trace_events.createTracing()) method, we need to import ‘trace_events’ module.

const trace_events = require('trace_events');  

Parameters: This function accepts objects as parameters as mentioned above and described below:

Return Value<Tracing>:  Returns an object which contains categories <string[]> and enabled <boolean> values.

Below programs illustrate the trace_events.createTracing() Method in Node.js:

Example 1: Filename: index.js

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// trace_events.createTracing() methods 
// Using require to access trace_events module 
const tracing_events = require("trace_events");
// Different types of tracing categories
const categories = [ 'myapp.category'
    'v8', 'node', 'node.async_hooks'
    'node.vm.script', 'node.perf.usertiming'
// Now creating tracing for custom
// trace category.
const newTracing = tracing_events.createTracing(
    { categories });
// Printing tracing event


>> Tracing {
 enabled: false,
 categories: ‘myapp.category, v8, node, node.async_hooks,
node.promises.rejections, node.vm.script, node.perf.usertiming, node.perf.timerify’

Example 2: Filename: index.js

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// trace_events.createTracing() methods 
// Using require to access trace_events module 
const { createTracing } = require('trace_events');
// Now create tracing for custom trace category.
const tracing = createTracing({ categories: ['perf_hooks'
'node.promises.rejections'] });
console.log("Tracing Created...");
// Printing tracing event
// Enabling Tracing event
// Do some steff here
const perf_hooks = require("perf_hooks");
() => {
  perf_hooks.performance.measure("A to B", "C", "D");
// Disabling tracing event

Run index.js file using the following command:

node index.js


Tracing Created…

Tracing { enabled: false, categories: ‘perf_hooks, node.promises.rejections’ }


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