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Node.js crypto.pbkdf2() Method

The crypto.pbkdf2() method gives an asynchronous Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 i.e. (PBKDF2) implementation. Moreover, a particular HMAC digest algorithm which is defined by digest is implemented to derive a key of the required byte length (keylen) from the stated password, salt, and iterations.


crypto.pbkdf2( password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback )

Parameters: This method accepts six parameters as mentioned above and described below:

Return Type: It returns the derived password based key.

Below example illustrate the use of crypto.pbkdf2() method in Node.js:

Example 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// crypto.pbkdf2() method
// Including crypto module
const crypto = require('crypto');
// Implementing pbkdf2 with all its parameters
crypto.pbkdf2('secret', 'salt', 100000, 64,
         'sha512', (err, derivedKey) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  // Prints derivedKey



Example 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// crypto.pbkdf2() method
// Including crypto module
const crypto = require('crypto');
// Implementing pbkdf2 with all its parameters
// but digest is null
crypto.pbkdf2('secret', 'salt', 677, 6,
          null, (err, derivedKey) => {
  if (err) 
  // Prints derivedKey without encoding

Output: Here, a buffer is returned as a derived key is not changed to string.

Buffer 71 1e 7b 7b 9b 53


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