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Neo4j Create Relationship

In Neo4j to create relationship between nodes you have to use the CREATE statement like we used to create nodes. lets create relation between two already created nodes. Example:

$ MATCH (a:GeeksforGeeks), (b:W3School)
WHERE a.Name = "A Computer Science Portal" AND b.Name = "We are the Learner"
CREATE (a)-[r:edutech]->(b)
$ CREATE (c:Company { Name: "Tutorial" })
MATCH (a:GeeksforGeeks), (b:W3School), (c:Comapny)
WHERE a.Tag = "A Computer Science Portal" AND b.Tag = "We are the Learner" AND 
c.Name = "Tutorial" CREATE (c)-[pr:PRODUCED]->(b), (c)-[pr1:PROVIDER]->(a)
RETURN a, b, c
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