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NCERT Notes Class 8 Science Chapter – 1: Crop Production and Management

NCERT Notes for Class 8 Science Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management: Crop production and management is a crucial aspect of agriculture. It involves the methods and techniques used to cultivate crops and ensure their proper growth, to obtain maximum yield. The process of crop production and management involves various elements such as soil preparation, sowing, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and harvesting. Farmers and agriculturalists employ various scientific methods and technologies to ensure optimal crop production and management.

NCERT Class 8 Crop Production and Management: Effective crop production and management techniques are essential to ensure the highest possible yield while maintaining the quality of the crops. It is a vital aspect of agriculture as it plays a critical role in providing food and raw materials for various industries. In this regard, farmers and agricultural experts must constantly improve their knowledge and skills to ensure sustainable and profitable crop production and management practices. Through these notes, the students will be able to revise the NCERT Grade 8 chapter Crop Production and Management with ease.

Agricultural Practices

Basic Practices of Crop Production

Farmers deploy a multitude of practices when cultivating crops, which is similar to the work done by gardeners and even hobbyists who grow plants in their homes. These practices unfold over time and include a variety of activities. These activities or tasks are referred to as agricultural practices. These are listed below:

  1. Preparation of soil
  2. Sowing
  3. Adding manure and fertilizers
  4. Irrigation
  5. Protecting from weeds
  6. Harvesting
  7. Storage 

 Preparation of Soil

For more information read: Preparation of Soil

Agricultural Implements

Preparing the soil before sowing is essential to ensure high yields. Tools like plough, hoe, and cultivator are used for this purpose by breaking up the soil clumps.


For many centuries, the use of a plough has been a key agricultural process. It involves applying fertilizers to the soil, getting rid of weeds, and preparing the land for planting.


This straightforward tool is used to clear weeds from the soil and loosen it. 


Cultivator: Modern farming methods often involve the use of a tractor-driven cultivator, which can significantly reduce both labor and time requirements. 

For more information read: Agricultural Implements


Selection of Seeds: The production of crops depends heavily on sowing

Traditional tool 

The classic seed-sowing implement has the shape of a funnel. 

Seed drill

Today, tractors are utilized for sowing seeds using the seed drill. 

Adding Manure and Fertilisers

Another way to help maintain soil fertility is through crop rotation. This practice involves planting different crops in alternating seasons. For years, farmers in northern India have rotated legumes for fodder one season and wheat the next.

Advantages of Manure:


Traditional Methods of Irrigation

 Wells, tubewells, ponds, lakes, rivers, dams, and canals are some of the water sources used for irrigation.

Modern Methods of Irrigation

Modern methods of irrigation help us to use water economically. The main methods used are as follows:


Also read: Irrigation 

 Protection from Weeds 

For more information read: Protection from weed



Food from Animals

FAQs on Crop Production and Management

Q1: What are the two main cropping patterns in India? Give examples.


The two main cropping patterns in India are:

  1. Kharif Crops: These are the crops that are grown in the rainy season generally from June to September, e.g. Paddy, maize, soybean, groundnut, and cotton.
  2. Rabi Crops: These are the crops that are grown in the winter season generally from October to March, e.g. wheat, gram, pea, mustard, and linseed.
  3. Pulses and vegetables are grown during summer. E.g. Onion, lentils

Q2: What are the activities or tasks involved in the cultivation of crops? 


The activities or tasks involved in the cultivation of crops are listed below:

  • Preparation of soil 
  • Sowing  
  • Adding manure and fertilisers 
  • Irrigation 
  • Protecting from weeds 
  • Harvesting 
  • Storage

Q3: What are various agricultural implements used for better yield production?


Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to break soil clumps to get a better yield. This is done with the help of various tools. The main tools used for this purpose are the plough, hoe and cultivator.

  • Plough: It is being used since ancient times that help in turning, adding manure and removing weeds. 
  • Hoe:  It is a simple tool which is used for removing weeds and for loosening the soil.
  • Cultivator: Ploughing is done by tractor driven cultivator that saves time and labour.
  • Seed drill: It is used with the help of tractors for sowing seed uniformly at equal distances and depths that ensures seeds are covered with soil.

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