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Napier Bones Calculator

It is created by John Napier in the year 1617. It is the better calculating device invented at that time period. It is the type of operating device which is operated manually for the purpose of calculations of quotients and products of the given numbers. It looks like a board game that contains a rim into it. And the various rods are placed inside the rims for the purpose of calculations where the numbers are printed on them.

Kinds of Napier’s Rods or Bones :

  1. Index bone –
    It is used to help or align the strips and also to identify rows that are there on the digit strips.
  2. Digital bone –
    It is a More than one digit bone that is of the same kind as it is needed to represent a number that is more than one of the same digit.
  3. Square root bone –
    While taking a root requires the 3 simultaneous computations, and the 3 columns are needed on the bone. These are called the square of the digit. It helps in making multiples of a number very easily, also the multiplication, division, and the taking of a square root as well.

Example –
The following is an example of how does the Napier bones calculator works.

Feature of Napier’s Rods or Bones :

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