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Names of Colours – List of Colours Names in English

Names of Colors:  We live in a colorful world. Look around you, every little thing has a color of its own. While growing up as children, we are taught about many colors, like white, black, red, green, blue, etc. But there are many more colors than these. Color is an aspect of the object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness & saturation. The visual color reflects the light from the object to the retina of the eyes. Colors are identified by the eyes because the thing reflects the wavelength of light, so the color bounces to our eyes, & when light shines on an object, some colors bounce off them & travel with the wavelength.

Usually, we learn the names of colors, by associating them with the colors of the objects. These days, activities are also conducted, where the names of the colors are written with different colors & students are asked to identify the color in which the word is written & not the word itself (a color name). This is an activity that not only teaches colour names to kids but also improves their reasoning skills.

Colors are used for identifying both animate & inanimate objects around us. We need to learn the names of different colors, this will be helpful to us.

Names of Colours


Colors, is also spelled as colours. Color is an aspect of the object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness & saturation. In physics, the term color is linked with electromagnetic radiation having various wavelengths & intensities, visible from the human naked eye. The visual color reflects the light from the object to the retina of the eyes. Colors are identified by the eyes because the thing reflects the wavelength of light, so the colour bounces to our eyes, & when light shines on an object, some colors bounce off them & travel with the wavelength.

Types of Colors

Three basic types of colors are :

List of Names of Colors

Names of Colors Hex Codes
Red #ff0000
Blue #0000ff
Green #00ff00
Orange #ffa500
White #ffffff
Black #000000
Yellow #ffff00
Purple #800080
Silver #c0c0c0
Brown #a52a2a
Gray #808080
Pink #ffc0cb
Olive #808000
Maroon #800000
Violet #ee82ee
Charcoal #36454f
Magenta #ff00ff
Bronze #cd7f32
Cream #fffdd0
Gold #ffd700
Tan #d2b48c
Teal #008080
Mustard #ffdb58
Navy Blue #000080
Coral #ff7f50
Burgundy #800020
Lavender #e6e6fa
Mauve #e0b0ff
Cyan #e0f7fa
Peach #ffe5b4
Rust #b7410e
Indigo #4b0082
Ruby #e0115f
Lime Green #32cd32
Salmon #fa8072
Azure #007fff
Beige #f5f5dc
Copper Rose #996666
Turquoise #40e0d0
Aqua #00ffff
Mint #3eb489
Sky Blue #87ceeb
Crimson #dc143c
Saffron #f4c430
Lemon Yellow #fff44f
Grapevine #43254f
Fuschia #ff00ff
Amber #ffbf00
Sea Green #2e8b57
Dark Green #006400
Pearl #eae0c8
Ivory #fffff0
Tangerine #f28500
Garnet #733635
Cherry Red #de3163
Emerald #50c878
Brunette #664238
Sapphire #0f52ba
Lilac #c8a2c8
Rosewood #65000b
Arctic Blue #0000ff
Ash #808080
Mocha #C0A392
Coffee Brown #6f4e37
Jet Black #0a0a0a
Pista Green #00ff00
Umber #635147

All Different Colors Name

12 Color Names for Kids

  1. Blue
  2. Green
  3. Yellow
  4. Orange
  5. Red
  6. White
  7. Violet
  8. Brown
  9. Aqua
  10. Black
  11. Cyan
  12. Purple

FAQs on the Names of Colors

List some color names starting with ‘B’.


Blue, Black, Brown & Bronze are names of colors starting with ‘B’.

List some color names starting with ‘G’.


Gold, Grey & Green are names of colors starting with ‘G’.

List some color names starting with ‘P’.


 Pink, Peach, Pearl & Plum are names of colors starting with ‘P’.

What are the three basic types of colors ?


The three basic types of colors are: Three Primary Colors: Blue, Red, Yellow

Three Secondary Colors: Violet, Orange, Green

Six Tertiary Colors: Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, Yellow-Green, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Green

Name some common colors for kids.


Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Orange are some common colors for kids.

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