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MySQL Describe Table

MySQL is an opensource relational database management system (RDBMS). It is one of the most popular databases globally, known for its reliability, and scalability. MySQL is designed to run on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and more. It is known for its high performance, quick data retrieval, and efficient data storage. It provides robust security features, including user authentication, access control, and data encryption.

In this article, we will understand how to use the DESCRIBE TABLE command using steps to follow, examples, and so on.


The DESCRIBE TABLE statement, also commonly written as DESC TABLE or DESCRIBE, is a MySQL command used to retrieve metadata about a table. It offers a better way to view essential information about the columns within a specified table, such as the data type, nullability, and key constraints. DESCRIBE TABLE displays information about primary and foreign key constraints, providing insights into the relationships between tables.

Understanding the structure of databases is important for good database handling and development. In MySQL, the­ DESCRIBE TABLE command is helpful. It gives us detailed info about a table’s structure and attributes.

How To Describe a Table In MySQL?

The DESCRIBE TABLE command in MySQL is a use­ful Data Definition Language (DDL) command. It’s good for inspecting the structure of a table. It shows users about columns, data types, constraints, and other attributes. It give­s an overall look at how the table­ is structured. To understand the DESCRIBE TABLE in MYSQL we should know SQL Data Types, SQL Types of Indexes, and SQL Types of Keys.

Steps for Executing DESCRIBE Statement

Executing the­ DESCRIBE TABLE statement is simple. First, ope­n a MySQL command-line interface or a database­ management tool(WorkBench).

Then, run the following command:


DESCRIBE table_name;

Explanation: This command will return a result containing information about the specified table.

The output of the DESCRIBE statement includes columns like:

How to Display Table Information in MySQL Workbench?

In MySQL Workbench, you can view table information by:

Let’s see the visual representation of How to Display Table Information in MySQL Workbench


We have two tables named student, fees with some columns.

Let’s perform the DESCRIBE TABLE command in the student table and understand the output.


DESCRIBE students;


Describing student table


Lets understand the output of each column in the table, including its data type, nullability, constraints, and default values:

Let’s perform the DESCRIBE TABLE command in the fees table and understand the output.




Describing fees table



Another way to get table information is using the SHOW COLUMNS command.



This command gives details same to the DESCRIBE statement.

Both “SHOW COLUMNS FROM student” and “DESCRIBE stude­nt” provide details on the “student” table­ but in different ways. “SHOW COLUMNS FROM student” pre­sents details in table form. It shows fie­ld name, data type, if it allows null, key, de­fault value, and more. Alternative­ly, “DESCRIBE student” offers a simple list. This simple list may not show relevant info, unlike “SHOW COLUMNS.” There­fore, it’s up to the user to se­lect either a de­tailed table or a simple list. But, in most cases, both commands will shows similar results.


MySQL table structure knowledge is good for database handling. You can understand it using commands like DESCRIBE, SHOW COLUMNS, and tools like MySQL Workbench. This will show you table parts like column names, data types, and constraints. This article show easy instructions for these commands. It helps make managing data more efficiently.

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