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MySQL allows us to specify which user account can connect to a database server. The user account details in MySQL contains two information – username and host from which the user is trying to connect in the format username@host-name

If the admin user is connecting through localhost then the user account will be admin@localhost

MySQL stores the user account in the user grant table of the mysql database. 

The CREATE USER statement in MySQL allows us to create new MySQL accounts or in other words, the CREATE USER statement is used to create a database account that allows the user to log into the MySQL database.

The syntax for the CREATE USER statement in MySQL is: 

CREATE USER user_account IDENTIFIED BY password;

Parameters used:  

  1. user_account: It is the name that the user wants to give to the database account.The user_account should be in the format ‘username’@’hostname’ 
  2. password:It is the password used to assign to the user_account.The password is specified in the IDENTIFIED BY clause.

Below are the different ways in which CREATE USER statement can be used: 

CREATE USER gfguser1@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'abcd';

Note: The create user statement only creates a new user,it does not grant any permissions to the user. 

'gfguser2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'efgh',
'gfguser3'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'uvxy';

The above code creates two new users with username “gfguser2” and “gfguser3” with passwords “efgh” and “uvxy” respectively. 

To allow the user account to connect to the database server from any subdomain of the “” host, then the percentage wildcard % should be used as follows: 

SHOW GRANTS FOR user-account;


The *.* in the output denotes that the “gfguser1” user account can only login to the database server and has no other privileges. 

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