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Mutating column in dplyr using rowSums

In this article, we are going to discuss how to mutate columns in dataframes using the dplyr package in R Programming Language. 


The package can be downloaded and installed in the R working space using the following command : 

Install Command – install.packages(“dplyr”)

Load Command – library(“dplyr”)

Functions Used


mutate (new-col-name = rowSums())


select_(. , col-names.. )


  • col-names : column names in the dataframe

Example 1:

In this example we are going to create a dataframe with a matrix with 3 columns – X1, X2, X3, and all columns are selected and their row sums are computed. An additional column “row_sum” is appended to the end of the dataframe.

# load the dplyr library
# creating the dataframe
# from the matrix
data_frame < - data.frame(matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3),
print("Original DataFrame")
# computing row sums
data_mod < - data_frame % > % mutate(row_sum=rowSums(
  select_(., "X1", "X2", "X3")))
# printing modified dataframe
print("Modified DataFrame")


[1] "Original DataFrame" 
X1         X2         X3 
1  -2.1548694 -1.1243811 -1.3944730 
2   1.1023396 -2.0153914 -1.6321950 
3  -0.2959568 -0.6511423 -0.2601204 
4  -0.1503434 -0.3802135  0.5651982 
5   0.7330868  1.8792182  0.1205579 
6   0.5351399 -0.1250861 -0.4986981 
7  -0.4058386 -0.0359763 -0.8261032 
8  -1.3560053 -0.2901260 -1.1033241 
9  -0.6176755 -0.8223494  0.8507067 
10  0.7307755 -1.2664778  1.2097483 
[1] "Modified DataFrame" 
X1         X2         X3     row_sum 
1  -2.1548694 -1.1243811 -1.3944730 -4.67372344 
2   1.1023396 -2.0153914 -1.6321950 -2.54524683 
3  -0.2959568 -0.6511423 -0.2601204 -1.20721946 
4  -0.1503434 -0.3802135  0.5651982  0.03464132 
5   0.7330868  1.8792182  0.1205579  2.73286285 
6   0.5351399 -0.1250861 -0.4986981 -0.08864431 
7  -0.4058386 -0.0359763 -0.8261032 -1.26791811 
8  -1.3560053 -0.2901260 -1.1033241 -2.74945549 
9  -0.6176755 -0.8223494  0.8507067 -0.58931825 
10  0.7307755 -1.2664778  1.2097483  0.67404601

Example 2:

In this example,  rowSums of X1 and X3 are computed. Only these columns are returned in the final output.

# load the package
# creating the dataframe
data_frame < - data.frame(matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3),
print("Original DataFrame")
# computing row sums
data_mod < -
data_frame % >%
mutate(row_sum=rowSums(select(., .dots=all_of(c("X1", "X2")))))
# printing modified dataframe
print("Modified DataFrame")


[1] "Original DataFrame" 
 X1         X2         X3 
1  -0.01475802 -2.0928792  0.6990158 
2   0.09758214  0.9327706 -0.7551849 
3   1.73099513 -2.0445329  0.7353809 
4  -0.98991323 -0.8638640  0.7545635 
5  -0.10079777 -1.0169922 -2.2176920 
6  -0.32026943 -0.2890030  1.0493662 
7   0.13442533 -2.3674214  0.4975756 
8  -1.47351401 -1.1391841 -1.0987409 
9   1.05674759 -0.7550495  1.0312730 
10 -0.14471879  0.7089866  0.1736686 
[1] "Modified DataFrame"            
X1         X2         X3    row_sum 
1  -0.01475802 -2.0928792  0.6990158 -2.1076372 
2   0.09758214  0.9327706 -0.7551849  1.0303527 
3   1.73099513 -2.0445329  0.7353809 -0.3135378 
4  -0.98991323 -0.8638640  0.7545635 -1.8537772 
5  -0.10079777 -1.0169922 -2.2176920 -1.1177900 
6  -0.32026943 -0.2890030  1.0493662 -0.6092725 
7   0.13442533 -2.3674214  0.4975756 -2.2329960 
8  -1.47351401 -1.1391841 -1.0987409 -2.6126981 
9   1.05674759 -0.7550495  1.0312730  0.3016981 
10 -0.14471879  0.7089866  0.1736686  0.5642678 

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