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Top 20 most spoken language in the world 2024

Uncover the linguistic landscape with insights into the Most spoken languages in the world 2024. Explore the Top 20 most spoken language in the world 2024, and delve into the rankings of the Top 10 most spoken language in the world 2024. Additionally, contemplate the future as we ponder What will be the most spoken language in 2030.

Languages are more than just tools for conversation. These languages act as bridges that connect us to people and cultures worldwide. Although there are more than 7,000 languages being used presently, only a handful of them hold significant worldwide influence in business, travel, and cultural exchange. This article focuses on these globally dominant languages such as English (widely adopted as a second language) and Mandarin Chinese (primary language of China).

Most Spoken Languages in the World

Based on Statista study on most widely spoken languages globally:

In 2023, English is the most spoken language worldwide (about 1.5 billion speakers). Mandarin Chinese is second highest spoken language (1.1 billion speakers). Hind, French and Spanish are also widely spoken.

We will also explore the significance of languages like Spanish, and French. As these are extensively spoken across continents, along with other widely spoken regional languages like Hindi, Bengali, Japanese, and Arabic.

Top 20 Most Spoken Language In The World 2024

Here are the List of Most spoken languages in the world 2024:

Most Spoken Languages In The World 2024

Rank Language Global Speakers Primary Region Key Features
1 English 1.5 billion Worldwide Business, education, global communication
2 Mandarin 1.1 billion China Largest native speakers, global business impact
3 Hindi 602 million India Dominant in India, useful for travel
4 Spanish 548 million South and Central America Second most spoken native language
5 French 274 million Worldwide Rich in culture, arts, and international diplomacy
6 Arabic 274 million Middle East and North Africa Diverse dialects, important in Islamic culture
7 Bengali 273 million Bangladesh, India Rich literature, significant in South Asian arts
8 Russian 258 million Russia, Eastern Europe Literary contributions, important in diplomacy
9 Portuguese 258 million Brazil, Portugal, Africa Influential in music, literature, and sports
10 Urdu 231 million Pakistan, India Rich in poetry and cultural traditions
11 Indonesian 199 million Indonesia Official language, unifying role
12 German 134.6 million Germany, Austria, Switzerland Key language in EU, global business
13 Japanese 125.4 million Japan Influential in technology, anime, and cuisine
14 Nigerian Pidgin 120.7 million Nigeria Blend of English and local languages
15 Marathi 99.1 million Maharashtra, India Rich in literature and theater traditions
16 Telugu 95.7 million Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, India Classical literature, film industry
17 Turkish 88.1 million Turkey Official language, cultural influence
18 Tamil 86.4 million Tamil Nadu (India), Sri Lanka, Singapore One of the world’s oldest living languages
19 Yue Chinese (Cantonese) 85.6 million Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau Popular among overseas Chinese communities
20 Vietnamese 85.3 million Vietnam Official language, recognized globally

1. English

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’re among the 370 million native English speakers or part of region who speak it as a second language. Worldwide English is used as a primary language in business, education, travel, and international relations. Many people find English easier to learn than other languages like Mandarin. It’s influenced by American culture and is often seen as a language of opportunity. English is not just a language, but for some people, this language works as an opportunity for a better career.

Considering Native language as primary and English as secondary language, a person fluent in both can communicate with one in every three internet users and access over 60% of the content available online.

2. Mandarine-

Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more than 1.1 billion people, which makes it one of the most spoken languages in the world. Because of China’s large population, Mandarine is number one language by native speakers ( around 929 million). Mandarin is a key part of the Chinese language family. Even though there are different dialects, most Mandarin speakers can understand each other.

Learning Mandarin can be difficult for many people because of its tones and characters. But because of China’s growing role in the world, many people are interested to learn this language. As China is rapidly growing in global significance, Mandarin’s importance in international business and cultural exchange is also increasing with time.

3. Hindi-

Hindi is spoken by over 602 million people worldwide. Hindi is one of the main languages in India. In India alone, this is first language of around 343.9 million people. India is known for its incredible linguistic diversity with more than 121 languages, still, Hindi holds the position of Primary language in this country. This language is not just spoken in India, but its neighbor countries (like Nepal) actively use Hindi.

Having knowledge of Hindi language can be incredibly useful for travel and communication across the Indian subcontinent. As India is a fast growing country, people around the globe also interested to learn Hindi.

4. Spanish-

Spanish is spoken by over 548 million people, which makes it the second most spoken Native language in the world. This language is mostly used in South and Central America and Spain also widely spoken in some parts of United States. Spanish is also third most popular Language on the Internet.

Spanish is the primary language in 21 countries and few countries use this as secondary language. Just like Hindi, Spanish is rich in culture and history. Learning Spanish can help people connect many parts of the world and understand different cultures.

5. French-

French is spoken by more than 274 million people globally. This language not limited to France, but also used in 29 countries worldwide. 79.9 million people speak French as their first language, also many places it’s spoken as secondly language like many African countries, some parts of Canada. French is known for its impact on the arts, fashion, and cuisine. Large number of non-native speakers make this language as unique. It’s also an important language in international diplomacy.

6. Arabic-

Arabic, spoken by a vast community of over 274 million people, holds a significant presence, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. Renowned for its diverse range of dialects, Arabic plays a crucial role in Islamic culture and religion. Its linguistic variations reflect the rich tapestry of cultures within the Arab world. This language, with its historical and religious importance, serves as a unifying thread across nations, contributing to the cultural identity of the regions it encompasses.

7. Bengali-

Bengali, spoken by over 273 million people worldwide, serves as the primary language in Bangladesh and various parts of India. This language is not only rich in literature and cultural heritage but also plays a significant role in shaping South Asian arts and media. With its widespread use and cultural influence, Bengali stands as a vital linguistic thread connecting diverse communities and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of South Asian heritage.

8. Russian-

Russian, spoken by approximately 258 million people, serves as the primary language in Russia and certain parts of Eastern Europe. Renowned for its significant literary contributions, Russian has played a pivotal role in the realms of international diplomacy and space science. The language has been instrumental in fostering cultural exchange and cooperation, and it stands as a testament to Russia’s rich heritage and global influence, extending its reach beyond geographical borders into the vast expanse of space exploration.

9. Portuguese-

Portuguese, with over 258 million speakers globally, holds the status of an official language in countries like Brazil, Portugal, and several African nations. Its influence extends beyond linguistic boundaries, making a mark in the realms of music, literature, and sports. The language’s significance is on the rise in the global landscape, particularly in the domains of business and tourism, as more people recognize its cultural richness and contribution to various fields.

10. Urdu-

Urdu, spoken by approximately 231 million people, holds significant influence in both Pakistan and India. Sharing linguistic roots with Hindi, it forms a vital part of the cultural fabric of the Indian subcontinent. Renowned for its rich poetry and deep cultural traditions, Urdu has a profound impact on literature and artistic expressions. The language serves as a bridge, connecting communities and fostering a shared heritage through its eloquent and expressive nature.

11. Indonesian-

Indonesian, spoken by almost 199 million people, serves as the official language of Indonesia. In a nation boasting a linguistic diversity of over 200 languages, Indonesian plays a crucial unifying role. It acts as a common thread that binds together the diverse tapestry of cultures and languages within the country, fostering communication and understanding among its people.

12. German-

With approximately 134.6 million speakers worldwide, German serves as the main language in countries like Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. It plays a pivotal role as a key language in the European Union, facilitating communication and collaboration among member nations. Moreover, German holds significant importance in the global business landscape, being widely used in international trade, commerce, and various economic sectors.

13. Japanese-

Japanese, spoken by approximately 125.4 million people, is the predominant language in Japan. It holds significant influence in various aspects, notably technology, anime, and cuisine. Japan’s technological innovations, globally recognized anime productions, and distinctive culinary contributions showcase the cultural impact of the Japanese language.

14. Nigerian Pidgin-

Nigerian Pidgin, spoken by around 120.7 million people, is widely embraced in Nigeria, a country known for its linguistic diversity. It stands out as a creole language, skillfully blending elements of English with various local languages. This unique linguistic fusion not only reflects the rich tapestry of Nigerian culture but also serves as a testament to the adaptability and creativity inherent in language evolution.

15. Marathi-

Marathi, spoken by nearly 99.1 million people, is primarily used in the Indian state of Maharashtra. This language is rich in literature and theater traditions, making it a vibrant and culturally significant linguistic heritage. With its widespread usage, Marathi plays a pivotal role in shaping the cultural identity of Maharashtra and contributing to the diverse linguistic landscape of India.

16. Telugu-

Telugu, spoken by approximately 95.7 million people, is a language primarily used in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Renowned for its rich classical literature and thriving film industry, Telugu holds a significant cultural presence in these regions. With a vibrant history and cultural heritage, the language contributes to the artistic and literary tapestry of the Indian subcontinent.

17. Turkish-

Turkish, spoken by approximately 88.1 million people, serves as the official language of Turkey. With its roots deeply embedded in the country’s culture, Turkish extends its influence beyond national borders, playing a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape of the Middle East and Central Asia. Its rich linguistic tapestry reflects the historical and contemporary connections that contribute to the language’s importance, making it a key player not only within Turkey but also across the broader region.

18. Tamil-

Tamil, spoken by 86.4 million people globally, holds a significant place as one of the world’s oldest living languages. Primarily used in Tamil Nadu, India, this language extends its influence to Sri Lanka and Singapore. With roots deep in history, Tamil has not only stood the test of time but continues to thrive as a vibrant and culturally rich language, contributing to the linguistic tapestry of diverse regions.

19. Yue Chinese (Cantonese)-

Cantonese, spoken by approximately 85.6 million people, is predominantly used in the Guangdong province, Hong Kong, and Macau. It holds popularity not only in these regions but also resonates among overseas Chinese communities. This Chinese language variant, with its unique characteristics and cultural significance, plays a crucial role in connecting communities both locally and globally.

20. Vietnamese-

Vietnamese, spoken by approximately 85.3 million people, holds the status of the official language in Vietnam. Its influence extends beyond national borders as it is recognized as a minority language in the Czech Republic. With its unique linguistic characteristics, Vietnamese contributes to the rich tapestry of global languages, serving as a means of communication and cultural expression for millions of speakers both within and outside Vietnam.

Top 10 Languages by Number of Native Speakers

These are the Top 10 most spoken language in the world 2024:

Rank Language Number of Native Speakers
1 Chinese 1.3 Billion
2 Spanish 485 Million
3 English 373 Million
4 Arabic 362 Million
5 Hindi 344 Million
6 Bengali 234 Million
7 Portuguese 232 Million
8 Russian 154 Million
9 Japanese 125 Million
10 Lahnda (Western Punjabi) 101 Million

Top 10 Languages By Total Number Of Speakers

These are the Top 10 most spoken language in the world 2024:

Top 10 Most Spoken Languages

Rank Language Total Number of Speakers
1 English 1.452 Billion
2 Mandarin Chinese 1.119 Billion
3 Hindi 602 Million
4 Spanish 559 Million
5 Standard Arabic 274 Million
6 French 274 Million
7 Bengali 273 Million
8 Russian 258 Million
9 Portuguese 258 Million
10 Urdu 231 Million

As of 2024, the most popular language in the world by the number of native speakers is Mandarin Chinese. Its widespread use, especially in the populous country of China, secures its top spot. Additionally, when considering the total number of speakers, including those who speak it as a second language, English often comes out on top due to its global influence in business, science, entertainment, and the internet.

What will be the most spoken language in 2030?

Looking ahead to 2030, predictions suggest that English could maintain its position as the most spoken language globally, thanks to its role as a lingua franca in international affairs and its prevalence online. However, Mandarin Chinese will likely continue to dominate in terms of native speakers. Other languages, such as Spanish and Hindi, might also see significant growth due to demographic trends in their primary speaking regions.

It’s important to note that language popularity can be influenced by various factors, including economic shifts, global connectivity, and educational policies, making the linguistic landscape ever-evolving.

Most spoken language in the world by 2050?

Predicting the most spoken language in the world by 2050 involves considering current demographic trends, economic developments, and global connectivity. As of now, English holds a dominant position as a global lingua franca, widely used in international business, science, and digital communication. However, Mandarin Chinese, with its vast number of native speakers primarily in China, is also a strong contender due to China’s growing influence in global affairs. By 2050, we might see a world where English and Mandarin continue to be highly influential, with English maintaining its global reach and Mandarin increasing its international presence.

Future Most Spoken Languages

Looking into the future, the landscape of the most spoken languages is expected to evolve, influenced by population growth, economic shifts, and technological advancements. Besides English and Mandarin, languages like Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic are projected to expand their global footprint. Spanish, with its widespread use across the Americas and growing Hispanic population in the United States, and Hindi, supported by India’s large population and economic potential, are likely to see significant increases in their number of speakers. Arabic, with its importance in the Islamic world and rich cultural heritage, may also see a rise in global prominence. These languages represent the dynamic nature of linguistic trends, reflecting changes in global demographics and cultural exchange.

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Most Spoken Languages In The World 2024 – FAQs

Which language is most used in the world?

English is the most used language globally, with over 1.5 billion speakers.

What is the ranking of languages in the world?

As of 2024, the top languages by the number of speakers are English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and French. These rankings consider both native and second-language speakers.

Which language is spoken most in the world by country?

Mandarin Chinese is spoken by the most people in a single country, with over a billion speakers in China. It’s the primary language in the world’s most populous nation.

Which language is spoken in most countries?

English is spoken in the most countries as an official or secondary language, making it a key global language for communication across different nations.

What is the most spoken non-English language in the United States?

Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in the United States. It’s spoken by a significant portion of the US population, in states like California, Texas, and Florida.

What are the most spoken languages in the United States?

The most spoken languages in the United States are English, Spanish, Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese), Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

What are the most spoken second languages in the world?

The most spoken second languages globally include English, French, and Spanish. These languages are widely taught and used as second languages in many countries around the world.

What are Names of Most Spoken Languages in the World?

Here are some of the most spoken languages in the world in 2024:

  • English: 1.452 billion speakers
  • Mandarin Chinese: 1.118 billion speakers
  • Hindi: 602 million speakers
  • Spanish: 534 million speakers
  • Arabic: 372 million speakers
  • French: 300 million speakers
  • Bengali: 265 million speakers
  • Russian: 258 million speakers

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