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Merge odd and even positioned nodes of two Linked Lists alternately

Given two linked lists L1 and L2, the task is to print a new list obtained by merging odd position nodes of L1 with the even positioned nodes of L2 alternately.


Input: L1 =  8->5->3->2->10->NULL, L2 = 11->13->1->6->9->NULL
Output: 8->13->3->6->10->NULL 
The odd positioned nodes of L1 are {8, 3, 10} and the even positioned nodes L2 are {13, 6}. 
Merging them alternately generates the linked list 8->13->3->6->10->NULL

Input: L1 = 1->5->10->12->13->19->6->NULL, L2 = 2->7->9->NULL  
Output: 1->7->10->13->6->NULL
The odd positioned nodes of L1 are {1, 10, 13, 6} and the even positioned node of L2 is {7}.
Merging them alternately generates the linked list 1->7->10->13->6->NULL


 Approach: Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

 Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure of a Node
class node {
    int data;
    node* next;
    node(int d)
        data = d;
        next = NULL;
// Function to insert the node
// at the head of the linkedlist
void insert_at_head(node*& head, int data)
    node* n = new node(data);
    n->next = head;
    head = n;
// Function to print the linked list
void print(node* head)
    while (head != NULL) {
        cout << head->data << " ";
        head = head->next;
    cout << endl;
// Function to merge the odd and
// even positioned nodes of two
// given linked lists alternately
node* merge_alternate(node* head1, node* head2)
    // Traverse from the second
    // node of second linked list
    if (head2)
        head2 = head2->next;
    // Stores the head of
    // the resultant list
    node* head3 = NULL;
    // Stores the current node
    node* cur = NULL;
    // Store the first node of
    // first list in the result
    if (head1)
        head3 = head1;
    // Otherwise
        head3 = head2;
    // Traverse until end of a
    // one of the list is reached
    while (head1 != NULL && head2 != NULL) {
        // If there is a previous node then
        // connect that with the current node
        if (cur)
            cur->next = head1;
        // Update the current node
        cur = head1;
        // If next odd node exists
        if (head1->next != NULL)
            // Store the next odd node
            head1 = head1->next->next;
        // Otherwise
            // Reach end of list
            head1 = NULL;
        // Connect the first node
        // with the second node
        cur->next = head2;
        // Update the current node
        cur = head2;
        // If next even node exists
        if (head2->next != NULL)
            // Store the next even node
            head2 = head2->next->next;
        // Otherwise
            // Reach the end of the list
            head2 = NULL;
    // If end of the second
    // list has been reached
    while (head1 != NULL) {
        // Connect with the
        // previous node
        if (cur)
            cur->next = head1;
        // Update the current node
        cur = head1;
        // If next odd node exists
        if (head1->next != NULL)
            // Store the next odd node
            head1 = head1->next->next;
        // Otherwise
            // Reach end of list
            head1 = NULL;
    // If end of second list
    // has been reached
    while (head2 != NULL) {
        // Connect with the
        // previous node
        if (cur)
            cur->next = head2;
        // Update the current node
        cur = head2;
        // If next even node exists
        if (head2->next != NULL)
            // Store the next odd node
            head2 = head2->next->next;
        // Otherwise
            // Reach end of list
            head2 = NULL;
    // End of the resultant list
    if (cur)
        cur->next = NULL;
    // Returning the head of
    // the resultant node
    return head3;
// Driver Code
int main()
    node *head1 = NULL, *head2 = NULL;
    // Create linked list
    insert_at_head(head1, 6);
    insert_at_head(head1, 19);
    insert_at_head(head1, 13);
    insert_at_head(head1, 12);
    insert_at_head(head1, 10);
    insert_at_head(head1, 5);
    insert_at_head(head1, 1);
    insert_at_head(head2, 9);
    insert_at_head(head2, 7);
    insert_at_head(head2, 2);
    // Merging the linked lists
    head1 = merge_alternate(head1, head2);

// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Structure of a Node
static class node
  public int data;
  node next;
  node(int d)
    data = d;
    next = null;
// Function to insert the node
// at the head of the linkedlist
static node insert_at_head(node head,
                           int data)
  node n = new node(data); = head;
  head = n;
  return head;
// Function to print the linked list
static void print(node head)
  while (head != null)
    System.out.print( + " ");
    head =;
// Function to merge the odd and
// even positioned nodes of two
// given linked lists alternately
static node merge_alternate(node head1,
                            node head2)
  // Traverse from the second
  // node of second linked list
  if (head2 != null)
    head2 =;
  // Stores the head of
  // the resultant list
  node head3 = null;
  // Stores the current node
  node cur = null;
  // Store the first node of
  // first list in the result
  if (head1 != null)
    head3 = head1;
  // Otherwise
    head3 = head2;
  // Traverse until end of a
  // one of the list is reached
  while (head1 != null && head2 != null)
    // If there is a previous node then
    // connect that with the current node
    if (cur != null) = head1;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head1;
    // If next odd node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next odd node
      head1 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach end of list
      head1 = null;
    // Connect the first node
    // with the second node = head2;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head2;
    // If next even node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next even node
      head2 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach the end of the list
      head2 = null;
  // If end of the second
  // list has been reached
  while (head1 != null)
    // Connect with the
    // previous node
    if (cur != null) = head1;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head1;
    // If next odd node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next odd node
      head1 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach end of list
      head1 = null;
  // If end of second list
  // has been reached
  while (head2 != null)
    // Connect with the
    // previous node
    if (cur != null) = head2;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head2;
    // If next even node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next odd node
      head2 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach end of list
      head2 = null;
  // End of the resultant list
  if (cur != null) = null;
  // Returning the head of
  // the resultant node
  return head3;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
  node head1 = null, head2 = null;
  // Create linked list
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 6);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 19);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 13);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 12);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 10);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 5);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 1);
  head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 9);
  head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 7);
  head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 2);
  // Merging the linked lists
  head1 = merge_alternate(head1, head2);
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1

# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach
# Structure of a Node
class node:
    def __init__(self, d):
     = d; = None;
# Function to insert the node
# at the head of the linkedlist
def insert_at_head(head, data):
    n = node(data); = head;
    head = n;
    return head;
# Function to print the linked list
def printx(head):
    while (head != None):
        print(, end = ' ')
        head =;
# Function to merge the odd and
# even positioned nodes of two
# given linked lists alternately
def merge_alternate(head1, head2):
    # Traverse from the second
    # node of second linked list
    if (head2):
        head2 =;
    # Stores the head of
    # the resultant list
    head3 = None;
    # Stores the current node
    cur = None;
    # Store the first node of
    # first list in the result
    if (head1):
        head3 = head1;
    # Otherwise
        head3 = head2;
    # Traverse until end of a
    # one of the list is reached
    while (head1 != None and head2 != None):
        # If there is a previous node then
        # connect that with the current node
        if (cur):
   = head1;
        # Update the current node
        cur = head1;
        # If next odd node exists
        if ( != None):
            # Store the next odd node
            head1 =;
        # Otherwise
            # Reach end of list
            head1 = None;
        # Connect the first node
        # with the second node = head2;
        # Update the current node
        cur = head2;
        # If next even node exists
        if ( != None):
            # Store the next even node
            head2 =;
        # Otherwise
            # Reach the end of the list
            head2 = None;
    # If end of the second
    # list has been reached
    while (head1 != None):
        # Connect with the
        # previous node
        if (cur):
   = head1;
        # Update the current node
        cur = head1;
        # If next odd node exists
        if ( != None):
            # Store the next odd node
            head1 =;
        # Otherwise
            # Reach end of list
            head1 = None;
    # If end of second list
    # has been reached
    while (head2 != None):
        # Connect with the
        # previous node
        if (cur):
   = head2;
        # Update the current node
        cur = head2;
        # If next even node exists
        if ( != None):
            # Store the next odd node
            head2 =;
        # Otherwise
            # Reach end of list
            head2 = None;
    # End of the resultant list
    if (cur): = None;
    # Returning the head of
    # the resultant node
    return head3;
# Driver Code
if __name__=='__main__':
    head1 = None
    head2 = None;
    # Create linked list
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 6);
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 19);
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 13);
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 12);
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 10);
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 5);
    head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 1);
    head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 9);
    head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 7);
    head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 2)
    # Merging the linked lists
    head1 = merge_alternate(head1, head2);
  # This code is contributed by rutvik_56

// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Structure of a Node
class node
  public int data;
  public node next;
  public node(int d)
    data = d;
    next = null;
// Function to insert the node
// at the head of the linkedlist
static node insert_at_head(node head,
                           int data)
  node n = new node(data); = head;
  head = n;
  return head;
// Function to print the linked list
static void print(node head)
  while (head != null)
    Console.Write( + " ");
    head =;
// Function to merge the odd and
// even positioned nodes of two
// given linked lists alternately
static node merge_alternate(node head1,
                            node head2)
  // Traverse from the second
  // node of second linked list
  if (head2 != null)
    head2 =;
  // Stores the head of
  // the resultant list
  node head3 = null;
  // Stores the current node
  node cur = null;
  // Store the first node of
  // first list in the result
  if (head1 != null)
    head3 = head1;
  // Otherwise
    head3 = head2;
  // Traverse until end of a
  // one of the list is reached
  while (head1 != null &&
         head2 != null)
    // If there is a previous
    // node then connect that
    // with the current node
    if (cur != null) = head1;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head1;
    // If next odd node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next odd node
      head1 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach end of list
      head1 = null;
    // Connect the first node
    // with the second node = head2;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head2;
    // If next even node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next even node
      head2 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach the end of the list
      head2 = null;
  // If end of the second
  // list has been reached
  while (head1 != null)
    // Connect with the
    // previous node
    if (cur != null) = head1;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head1;
    // If next odd node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next odd node
      head1 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach end of list
      head1 = null;
  // If end of second list
  // has been reached
  while (head2 != null)
    // Connect with the
    // previous node
    if (cur != null) = head2;
    // Update the current node
    cur = head2;
    // If next even node exists
    if ( != null)
      // Store the next odd node
      head2 =;
    // Otherwise
      // Reach end of list
      head2 = null;
  // End of the resultant list
  if (cur != null) = null;
  // Returning the head of
  // the resultant node
  return head3;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  node head1 = null, head2 = null;
  // Create linked list
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 6);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 19);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 13);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 12);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 10);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 5);
  head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 1);
  head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 9);
  head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 7);
  head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 2);
  // Merging the linked lists
  head1 = merge_alternate(head1, head2);
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh

// javascript program to implement
// the above approach
    // Structure of a Node
     class node {
        constructor(d) {
   = d;
   = null;
    // Function to insert the node
    // at the head of the linkedlist
    function insert_at_head( head , data) {
         n = new node(data); = head;
        head = n;
        return head;
    // Function to print the linked list
    function print( head) {
        while (head != null) {
            document.write( + " ");
            head =;
    // Function to merge the odd and
    // even positioned nodes of two
    // given linked lists alternately
    function merge_alternate( head1,  head2) {
        // Traverse from the second
        // node of second linked list
        if (head2 != null)
            head2 =;
        // Stores the head of
        // the resultant list
         head3 = null;
        // Stores the current node
         cur = null;
        // Store the first node of
        // first list in the result
        if (head1 != null)
            head3 = head1;
        // Otherwise
            head3 = head2;
        // Traverse until end of a
        // one of the list is reached
        while (head1 != null && head2 != null) {
            // If there is a previous node then
            // connect that with the current node
            if (cur != null)
       = head1;
            // Update the current node
            cur = head1;
            // If next odd node exists
            if ( != null)
                // Store the next odd node
                head1 =;
            // Otherwise
                // Reach end of list
                head1 = null;
            // Connect the first node
            // with the second node
   = head2;
            // Update the current node
            cur = head2;
            // If next even node exists
            if ( != null)
                // Store the next even node
                head2 =;
            // Otherwise
                // Reach the end of the list
                head2 = null;
        // If end of the second
        // list has been reached
        while (head1 != null) {
            // Connect with the
            // previous node
            if (cur != null)
       = head1;
            // Update the current node
            cur = head1;
            // If next odd node exists
            if ( != null)
                // Store the next odd node
                head1 =;
            // Otherwise
                // Reach end of list
                head1 = null;
        // If end of second list
        // has been reached
        while (head2 != null) {
            // Connect with the
            // previous node
            if (cur != null)
       = head2;
            // Update the current node
            cur = head2;
            // If next even node exists
            if ( != null)
                // Store the next odd node
                head2 =;
            // Otherwise
                // Reach end of list
                head2 = null;
        // End of the resultant list
        if (cur != null)
   = null;
        // Returning the head of
        // the resultant node
        return head3;
    // Driver Code
         head1 = null, head2 = null;
        // Create linked list
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 6);
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 19);
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 13);
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 12);
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 10);
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 5);
        head1 = insert_at_head(head1, 1);
        head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 9);
        head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 7);
        head2 = insert_at_head(head2, 2);
        // Merging the linked lists
        head1 = merge_alternate(head1, head2);
// This code is contributed by umadevi9616

1 7 10 13 6


Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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