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Maximize the cell-wise product of Matrices

Given two matrices M1[][] and M2[][] of size R * C along with an integer X. In one operation select any cell of M1 let’s say M1[ i ][ j ] and update it as M1[ i ][ j ] +1 or M1[ i ][ j ] – 1, Then the task is to maximize the cell-wise product of elements by using the given operation X times. (Formally, ∑M1[ i ][ j ] * M2[ i ][ j ] for (1 ≤ i ≤ R), (1 ≤ j ≤ C) must be the maximum possible.)


Input: R = 1, C = 2, X = 2, M1[][] = {1, 2}, M2[][] = {-2, 3}
Output: 10

  • First operation: Update M1[1][2] as M1[1][2] + 1, then M1[][] = {1, 3}
  • Second operation: Update M1[1][2] as M1[1][2] + 1, then M1[][] = {1, 4}

Now cell-wise product sum =  M1[1][1] * M2[1][1] +  M1[1][2] * M2[1][2] =  (1 * -2) + (4 * 3) = -2 + 12 = 10 . It can be verified that no value of the sum of the product greater than 10 is possible using the given operations on M1[][]. 

Input: R = 3, C = 2, X = 4, M1[][] = {{1, 2}, {4, 5}, {3, -1}}, M2[][] = {{-2, 3}, {5, 6}, {-8, -1}}
Output: 63
Explanation: It can be verified that the maximum possible sum will be 63. Therefore, the output is 63.      

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem

The problem is observation based and it can be observed that the maximum possible sum of cell-wise product can be achieved by adding or subtracting 1, X times to an element of M1[][] optimally. There will be an element guaranteed, which will provide the max value of the sum using the given operation X times. 

Steps were taken to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation for the above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Method for obtaining maximum possible sum
void maximumSum(vector<vector<int>>& M1, vector<vector<int>>& M2, int X) {

    // variable for holding cell-wise
    // sum of both matrix
    long long sum = 0;

    // Loop for calculating cell-wise
    // sum of product of elements
    for (int i = 0; i < M1.size(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < M1[0].size(); j++) {
            sum += (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);

    // Temporary variable for holding
    // initial value of sum
    long long temp = sum;

    // Loops for traversing on M1[][]
    // and applying operations
    for (int i = 0; i < M1.size(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < M1[0].size(); j++) {

            // Two variables which will
            // store sum to see effect
            // of Decrementing and
            // Incrementing an element
            // of M1[][] X times
            long long Z = temp;
            long long Y = temp;

            // Z is holding the sum
            // when an element of M1[][]
            // is Decremented X times
            Z = Z - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
            Z = Z + ((M1[i][j] - X) * M2[i][j]);

            // Y is holding the sum
            // when an element of M1[][]
            // is Incremented X times
            Y = Y - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
            Y = Y + ((M1[i][j] + X) * M2[i][j]);

            // Updating Sum if maximum sum
            // is found on incrementing or
            // decrementing operations
            sum = max(sum, max(Z, Y));

    // Printing Maximum possible sum
    cout << sum << "\n";

// Calling the main function
int main() {
    int R = 3, C = 2, X = 4;
    vector<vector<int>> M1 = { { 1, 2 }, { 4, 5 }, { 3, -1 } };
    vector<vector<int>> M2 = { { -2, 3 }, { 5, 6 }, { -8, -1 } };

    // Function call
    maximumSum(M1, M2, X);
    return 0;

// This code is contributed by Ritesh Jha
// JAVA program to implement the approach
class GFG {

    // Driver function
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Inputs
        int R = 3, C = 2, X = 4;
        int M1[][] = { { 1, 2 }, { 4, 5 }, { 3, -1 } };
        int M2[][] = { { -2, 3 }, { 5, 6 }, { -8, -1 } };

        // Function call
        maximumSum(M1, M2, X);

    // Method for obtaining maximum
    // possible sum
    static void maximumSum(int[][] M1, int M2[][], int X)

        // variable for holding cell-wise
        // sum of both matrix
        long sum = 0;

        // Loop for calculating cell-wise
        // sum of product of elements
        for (int i = 0; i < M1.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < M1[0].length; j++)
                sum += (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);

        // Temporary variable for holding
        // initial value of sum
        long temp = sum;

        // Loops for traversing on M1[][]
        // and applying operations
        for (int i = 0; i < M1.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < M1[0].length; j++) {

                // Two variables which will
                // store sum to see effect
                // of Decrementing and
                // Incrementing an element
                // of M1[][] X times
                long Z = temp;
                long Y = temp;

                // Z is holding the sum
                // when an element of M1[][]
                // is Decremented X times
                Z = Z - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
                Z = Z + ((M1[i][j] - X) * M2[i][j]);

                // Y is holding the sum
                // when an element of M1[][]
                // is Incremented X times
                Y = Y - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
                Y = Y + ((M1[i][j] + X) * M2[i][j]);

                // Updating Sum if maximum sum
                // is found on incrmenting or
                // decrementing operations
                sum = Math.max(sum, Math.max(Z, Y));

        // Printing Maximum possible sum
# Method for obtaining maximum possible sum
def maximumSum(M1, M2, X):

    # variable for holding cell-wise
    # sum of both matrix
    sum = 0

    # Loop for calculating cell-wise
    # sum of product of elements
    for i in range(len(M1)):
        for j in range(len(M1[0])):
            sum += (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j])

    # Temporary variable for holding
    # initial value of sum
    temp = sum

    # Loops for traversing on M1[][]
    # and applying operations
    for i in range(len(M1)):
        for j in range(len(M1[0])):

            # Two variables which will
            # store sum to see effect
            # of Decrementing and
            # Incrementing an element
            # of M1[][] X times
            Z = temp
            Y = temp

            # Z is holding the sum
            # when an element of M1[][]
            # is Decremented X times
            Z = Z - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j])
            Z = Z + ((M1[i][j] - X) * M2[i][j])

            # Y is holding the sum
            # when an element of M1[][]
            # is Incremented X times
            Y = Y - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j])
            Y = Y + ((M1[i][j] + X) * M2[i][j])

            # Updating Sum if maximum sum
            # is found on incrementing or
            # decrementing operations
            sum = max(sum, max(Z, Y))

    # Printing Maximum possible sum

# Calling the main function
R, C, X = 3, 2, 4
M1 = [[1, 2], [4, 5], [3, -1]]
M2 = [[-2, 3], [5, 6], [-8, -1]]

# Function call
maximumSum(M1, M2, X)

# This code is contributed by prasad264
// C# program to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GFG {
    // Method for obtaining maximum possible sum
    public static void MaximumSum(List<List<int> > M1,
                                  List<List<int> > M2,
                                  int X)
        // variable for holding cell-wise
        // sum of both matrix
        long sum = 0;

        // Loop for calculting cell-wise
        // sum of product of elements
        for (int i = 0; i < M1.Count; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < M1[0].Count; j++) {
                sum += (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);

        // Temporary variable for holding
        // initial value of sum
        long temp = sum;

        // Loops for traversing on M1[][]
        // and applying operations
        for (int i = 0; i < M1.Count; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < M1[0].Count; j++) {
                // Two variables which will
                // store sum to see effect
                // of Decrementing and
                // Incrementing an element
                // of M1[][] X times
                long Z = temp;
                long Y = temp;

                // Z is holding the sum
                // when an element of M1[][]
                // is Decremented X times
                Z = Z - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
                Z = Z + ((M1[i][j] - X) * M2[i][j]);

                // Y is holding the sum
                // when an element of M1[][]
                // is Incremented X times
                Y = Y - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
                Y = Y + ((M1[i][j] + X) * M2[i][j]);

                // Updating Sum if maximum sum
                // is found on incrmenting or
                // decrementing operations
                sum = Math.Max(sum, Math.Max(Z, Y));

        // Printing Maximum possible sum

    // Calling the main function
    public static void Main()
        int R = 3, C = 2, X = 4;
        List<List<int> > M1 = new List<List<int> >{
            new List<int>{ 1, 2 }, new List<int>{ 4, 5 },
            new List<int>{ 3, -1 }
        List<List<int> > M2 = new List<List<int> >{
            new List<int>{ -2, 3 }, new List<int>{ 5, 6 },
            new List<int>{ -8, -1 }

        // Function call
        MaximumSum(M1, M2, X);
// This code is contributed by prasad264
// Method for obtaining maximum possible sum
function maximumSum(M1, M2, X) {

    // variable for holding cell-wise
    // sum of both matrix
    let sum = 0;

    // Loop for calculating cell-wise
    // sum of product of elements
    for (let i = 0; i < M1.length; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < M1[0].length; j++) {
            sum += (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);

    // Temporary variable for holding
    // initial value of sum
    let temp = sum;

    // Loops for traversing on M1[][]
    // and applying operations
    for (let i = 0; i < M1.length; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < M1[0].length; j++) {
            // Two variables which will
            // store sum to see effect
            // of Decrementing and
            // Incrementing an element
            // of M1[][] X times
            let Z = temp;
            let Y = temp;

            // Z is holding the sum
            // when an element of M1[][]
            // is Decremented X times
            Z = Z - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
            Z = Z + ((M1[i][j] - X) * M2[i][j]);

            // Y is holding the sum
            // when an element of M1[][]
            // is Incremented X times
            Y = Y - (M1[i][j] * M2[i][j]);
            Y = Y + ((M1[i][j] + X) * M2[i][j]);

            // Updating Sum if maximum sum
            // is found on incrementing or
            // decrementing operations
            sum = Math.max(sum, Math.max(Z, Y));

    // Printing Maximum possible sum

// Calling the main function
const R = 3,
    C = 2,
    X = 4;
const M1 = [
    [1, 2],
    [4, 5],
    [3, -1]
const M2 = [
    [-2, 3],
    [5, 6],
    [-8, -1]

// Function call
maximumSum(M1, M2, X);

// Contributed by adityasha4x71

Time Complexity: O(R * C)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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