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Maximize count of occurrences of S2 in S1 as a subsequence by concatenating N1 and N2 times respectively

Given two strings S1, S2 of length N and M respectively, and two positive integers N1 and N2, the task is to find the maximum count of non-overlapping subsequences of S1 which are equal to S2 by concatenating the string s1, n1 times and the string s2, n2 times.


Input: S1 = “acb”, S2 = “ab”, N1 = 4, N2 = 2 
Concatenating the string S1, N1 ( = 4) times modifies S1 to “acbacbacbacb”. 
Concatenating the string S2, N2 ( = 2) times modifies S2 to “abab”. 
Since the string S2 occurs twice as a non-overlapping subsequence in S1, the required output is 2.

Input: S1 = “abc”, S2 = “a”, N1 = 1, N2 = 1 
Output: 1

Approach: The problem can be solved using the concept of checking if a string is a subsequence of another string or not
Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to count maximum number of
// occurrences of s2 as subsequence in s1
// by concatenating s1, n1 times and s2, n2 times
int getMaxRepetitions(string s1, int n1,
                      string s2, int n2)
  int temp1[26] = {0}, temp2[26] = {0};
  for(char i:s1) temp1[i - 'a']++;
  for(char i:s2) temp2[i - 'a']++;
  for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
    if(temp2[i] > temp1[i]) return 0;
  // Stores number of times
  // s1 is traversed
  int s1_reps = 0;
  // Stores number of times
  // s2 is traversed
  int s2_reps = 0;
  // Mapping index of s2 to number
  // of times s1 and s2 are traversed
  map<int, pair<int, int> > s2_index_to_reps;
  s2_index_to_reps[0] = {0, 0};
  // Stores index of s1 circularly
  int i = 0;
  // Stores index of s2 circularly
  int j = 0;
  // Traverse the string s1, n1 times
  while (s1_reps < n1){
    // If current character of both
    // the string are equal
    if (s1[i] == s2[j])
      // Update j
      j += 1;
    // Update i
    i += 1;
    // If j is length of s2
    if (j == s2.size())
      // Update j for
      // circular traversal
      j = 0;
      // Update s2_reps
      s2_reps += 1;
    // If i is length of s1
    if (i == s1.size())
      // Update i for
      // circular traversal
      i = 0;
      // Update s1_reps
      s1_reps += 1;
      // If already mapped j
      // to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
      if (s2_index_to_reps.find(j) !=
      // Mapping j to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
      s2_index_to_reps[j] = {s1_reps, s2_reps};
  // If s1 already traversed n1 times
  if (s1_reps == n1)
    return s2_reps / n2;
  // Otherwise, traverse string s1 by multiple of
  // s1_reps and update both s1_reps and s2_reps
  int initial_s1_reps = s2_index_to_reps[j].first ,
  initial_s2_reps = s2_index_to_reps[j].second;
  int loop_s1_reps = s1_reps - initial_s1_reps;
  int loop_s2_reps = s2_reps - initial_s2_reps;
  int loops = (n1 - initial_s1_reps);
  // Update s2_reps
  s2_reps = initial_s2_reps + loops * loop_s2_reps;
  // Update s1_reps
  s1_reps = initial_s1_reps + loops * loop_s1_reps;
  // If s1 is traversed less than n1 times
  while (s1_reps < n1)
    // If current character in both
    // the string are equal
    if (s1[i] == s2[j])
      // Update j
      j += 1;
    // Update i
    i += 1;
    // If i is length of s1
    if (i == s1.size())
      // Update i for circular traversal
      i = 0;
      // Update s1_reps
      s1_reps += 1;
    // If j is length of ss
    if (j == s2.size())
      // Update j for circular traversal
      j = 0;
      // Update s2_reps
      s2_reps += 1;
  return s2_reps / n2;
// Driver Code
int main()
  string s1 = "acb";
  int n1 = 4;
  string s2 = "ab";
  int n2 = 2;
  cout << (getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2));
  return 0;
// This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.

// Java program for the above approach
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to count maximum number of
// occurrences of s2 as subsequence in s1
// by concatenating s1, n1 times and s2, n2 times
static int getMaxRepetitions(String s1, int n1,
                             String s2, int n2)
    int temp1[] = new int[26], temp2[] = new int[26];
    for(char i : s1.toCharArray())
        temp1[i - 'a']++;
    for(char i : s2.toCharArray())
        temp2[i - 'a']++;
    for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
        if (temp2[i] > temp1[i])
            return 0;
    // Stores number of times
    // s1 is traversed
    int s1_reps = 0;
    // Stores number of times
    // s2 is traversed
    int s2_reps = 0;
    // Mapping index of s2 to number
    // of times s1 and s2 are traversed
    HashMap<Integer, int[]> s2_index_to_reps = new HashMap<>();
    s2_index_to_reps.put(0, new int[] { 0, 0 });
    // Stores index of s1 circularly
    int i = 0;
    // Stores index of s2 circularly
    int j = 0;
    // Traverse the string s1, n1 times
    while (s1_reps < n1)
        // If current character of both
        // the string are equal
        if (s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j))
            // Update j
            j += 1;
        // Update i
        i += 1;
        // If j is length of s2
        if (j == s2.length())
            // Update j for
            // circular traversal
            j = 0;
            // Update s2_reps
            s2_reps += 1;
        // If i is length of s1
        if (i == s1.length())
            // Update i for
            // circular traversal
            i = 0;
            // Update s1_reps
            s1_reps += 1;
            // If already mapped j
            // to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
            if (!s2_index_to_reps.containsKey(j))
            // Mapping j to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
                j, new int[] { s1_reps, s2_reps });
    // If s1 already traversed n1 times
    if (s1_reps == n1)
        return s2_reps / n2;
    // Otherwise, traverse string s1 by multiple of
    // s1_reps and update both s1_reps and s2_reps
    int initial_s1_reps = s2_index_to_reps.get(j)[0],
        initial_s2_reps = s2_index_to_reps.get(j)[1];
    int loop_s1_reps = s1_reps - initial_s1_reps;
    int loop_s2_reps = s2_reps - initial_s2_reps;
    int loops = (n1 - initial_s1_reps);
    // Update s2_reps
    s2_reps = initial_s2_reps + loops * loop_s2_reps;
    // Update s1_reps
    s1_reps = initial_s1_reps + loops * loop_s1_reps;
    // If s1 is traversed less than n1 times
    while (s1_reps < n1)
        // If current character in both
        // the string are equal
        if (s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j))
            // Update j
            j += 1;
        // Update i
        i += 1;
        // If i is length of s1
        if (i == s1.length())
            // Update i for circular traversal
            i = 0;
            // Update s1_reps
            s1_reps += 1;
        // If j is length of ss
        if (j == s2.length())
            // Update j for circular traversal
            j = 0;
            // Update s2_reps
            s2_reps += 1;
    return s2_reps / n2;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String s1 = "acb";
    int n1 = 4;
    String s2 = "ab";
    int n2 = 2;
        getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2));
// This code is contributed by Kingash

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to count maximum number of
# occurrences of s2 as subsequence in s1
# by concatenating s1, n1 times and s2, n2 times
def getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2):
    # If all the characters of s2 are not present in s1
    if any(c for c in set(s2) if c not in set(s1)):
        return 0
    # Stores number of times
    # s1 is traversed
    s1_reps = 0
    # Stores number of times
    # s2 is traversed
    s2_reps = 0
    # Mapping index of s2 to number
    # of times s1 and s2 are traversed
    s2_index_to_reps = { 0 : (0, 0)}
    # Stores index of s1 circularly
    i = 0
    # Stores index of s2 circularly
    j = 0
    # Traverse the string s1, n1 times
    while s1_reps < n1:
        # If current character of both
        # the string are equal
        if s1[i] == s2[j]:
            # Update j
            j += 1
        # Update i   
        i += 1
        # If j is length of s2
        if j == len(s2):
            # Update j for
            # circular traversal
            j = 0
            # Update s2_reps
            s2_reps += 1
        # If i is length of s1
        if i == len(s1):
            # Update i for
            # circular traversal
            i = 0
            # Update s1_reps
            s1_reps += 1
            # If already mapped j
            # to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
            if j in s2_index_to_reps:
            # Mapping j to (s1_reps, s2_reps)   
            s2_index_to_reps[j] = (s1_reps, s2_reps)
    # If s1 already traversed n1 times
    if s1_reps == n1:
        return s2_reps // n2
    # Otherwise, traverse string s1 by multiple of
    # s1_reps and update both s1_reps and s2_reps
    initial_s1_reps, initial_s2_reps = s2_index_to_reps[j]
    loop_s1_reps = s1_reps - initial_s1_reps
    loop_s2_reps = s2_reps - initial_s2_reps
    loops = (n1 - initial_s1_reps)
    # Update s2_reps
    s2_reps = initial_s2_reps + loops * loop_s2_reps
    # Update s1_reps
    s1_reps = initial_s1_reps + loops * loop_s1_reps
    # If s1 is traversed less than n1 times
    while s1_reps < n1:
        # If current character in both
        # the string are equal
        if s1[i] == s2[j]:
            # Update j
            j += 1
        # Update i   
        i += 1
        # If i is length of s1
        if i == len(s1):
            # Update i for circular traversal
            i = 0
            # Update s1_reps
            s1_reps += 1
        # If j is length of ss
        if j == len(s2):
            # Update j for circular traversal
            j = 0
            # Update s2_reps
            s2_reps += 1
    return s2_reps // n2
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    s1 = "acb"
    n1 = 4
    s2 = "ab"
    n2 = 2
    print(getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2))

// Javascript program for the above approach
// Function to count maximum number of
// occurrences of s2 as subsequence in s1
// by concatenating s1, n1 times and s2, n2 times
function getMaxRepetitions(s1,n1,s2,n2)
    let temp1 = new Array(26);
    let temp2 = new Array(26);
    for(let i = 0; i < 26; i++)
        temp1[i] = 0;
        temp2[i] = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < s1.split("").length; i++)
        temp1[s1[i].charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)]++;
    for(let i = 0; i < s2.split("").length; i++)
        temp2[s2[i].charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)]++;
    for(let i = 0; i < 26; i++)
        if (temp2[i] > temp1[i])
            return 0;
    // Stores number of times
    // s1 is traversed
    let s1_reps = 0;
    // Stores number of times
    // s2 is traversed
    let s2_reps = 0;
    // Mapping index of s2 to number
    // of times s1 and s2 are traversed
    let s2_index_to_reps = new Map();
    s2_index_to_reps.set(0, [ 0, 0 ]);
    // Stores index of s1 circularly
    let i = 0;
    // Stores index of s2 circularly
    let j = 0;
    // Traverse the string s1, n1 times
    while (s1_reps < n1)
        // If current character of both
        // the string are equal
        if (s1[i] == s2[j])
            // Update j
            j += 1;
        // Update i
        i += 1;
        // If j is length of s2
        if (j == s2.length)
            // Update j for
            // circular traversal
            j = 0;
            // Update s2_reps
            s2_reps += 1;
        // If i is length of s1
        if (i == s1.length)
            // Update i for
            // circular traversal
            i = 0;
            // Update s1_reps
            s1_reps += 1;
            // If already mapped j
            // to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
            if (!s2_index_to_reps.has(j))
            // Mapping j to (s1_reps, s2_reps)
                j, [s1_reps, s2_reps ]);
    // If s1 already traversed n1 times
    if (s1_reps == n1)
        return s2_reps / n2;
    // Otherwise, traverse string s1 by multiple of
    // s1_reps and update both s1_reps and s2_reps
    let initial_s1_reps = s2_index_to_reps.get(j)[0],
        initial_s2_reps = s2_index_to_reps.get(j)[1];
    let loop_s1_reps = s1_reps - initial_s1_reps;
    let loop_s2_reps = s2_reps - initial_s2_reps;
    let loops = (n1 - initial_s1_reps);
    // Update s2_reps
    s2_reps = initial_s2_reps + loops * loop_s2_reps;
    // Update s1_reps
    s1_reps = initial_s1_reps + loops * loop_s1_reps;
    // If s1 is traversed less than n1 times
    while (s1_reps < n1)
        // If current character in both
        // the string are equal
        if (s1[i] == s2[j])
            // Update j
            j += 1;
        // Update i
        i += 1;
        // If i is length of s1
        if (i == s1.length)
            // Update i for circular traversal
            i = 0;
            // Update s1_reps
            s1_reps += 1;
        // If j is length of ss
        if (j == s2.length)
            // Update j for circular traversal
            j = 0;
            // Update s2_reps
            s2_reps += 1;
    return s2_reps / n2;
// Driver Code
let s1 = "acb";
let n1 = 4;
let s2 = "ab";
let n2 = 2;
document.write(getMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2));
// This code is contributed by unknown2108

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    // Function to count maximum number of
    // occurrences of s2 as subsequence in s1
    // by concatenating s1, n1 times and s2, n2 times
    static int GetMaxRepetitions(string s1, int n1,
                                 string s2, int n2)
        int[] temp1 = new int[26], temp2 = new int[26];
        foreach (char x in s1)
            temp1[x - 'a']++;
        foreach (char x in s2)
            temp2[x - 'a']++;
        for (int k = 0; k < 26; k++)
            if (temp2[k] > temp1[k])
                return 0;
        // Stores number of times
        // s1 is traversed
        int s1Reps = 0;
        // Stores number of times
        // s2 is traversed
        int s2Reps = 0;
        // Mapping index of s2 to number
        // of times s1 and s2 are traversed
        Dictionary<int, int[]> s2IndexToReps = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
        s2IndexToReps[0] = new int[] { 0, 0 };
        // Stores index of s1 circularly
        int i = 0;
        // Stores index of s2 circularly
        int j = 0;
        // Traverse the string s1, n1 times
        while (s1Reps < n1)
            // If current character of both
            // the string are equal
            if (s1[i] == s2[j])
                // Update j
                j += 1;
            // Update i
            i += 1;
            // If j is length of s2
            if (j == s2.Length)
                // Update j for
                // circular traversal
                j = 0;
                // Update s2Reps
                s2Reps += 1;
            // If i is length of s1
            if (i == s1.Length)
                // Update i for
                // circular traversal
                i = 0;
                // Update s1Reps
                s1Reps += 1;
                // If already mapped j
                // to (s1Reps, s2Reps)
                if (!s2IndexToReps.ContainsKey(j))
                // Mapping j to (s1Reps, s2Reps)
                s2IndexToReps[j] = new int[] { s1Reps, s2Reps };
        // If s1 already traversed n1 times
        if (s1Reps == n1)
            return s2Reps / n2;
        // Otherwise, traverse string s1 by multiple of
        // s1Reps and update both s1Reps and s2Reps
        int initialS1Reps = s2IndexToReps[j][0],
            initialS2Reps = s2IndexToReps[j][1];
    int loop_s1Reps = s1Reps - initialS1Reps;
    int loop_s2Reps = s2Reps - initialS2Reps;
    int loops = (n1 - initialS1Reps);
    // Update s2Reps
    s2Reps = initialS2Reps + loops * loop_s2Reps;
    // Update s1Reps
    s1Reps = initialS1Reps + loops * loop_s1Reps;
    // If s1 is traversed less than n1 times
    while (s1Reps < n1)
        // If current character in both
        // the string are equal
        if (s1[j] == s2[j])
            // Update j
            j += 1;
        // Update i
        i += 1;
        // If i is length of s1
        if (i == s1.Length)
            // Update i for circular traversal
            i = 0;
            // Update s1Reps
            s1Reps += 1;
        // If j is length of ss
        if (j == s2.Length)
            // Update j for circular traversal
            j = 0;
            // Update s2Reps
            s2Reps += 1;
    return s2Reps / n2;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    string s1 = "acb";
    int n1 = 4;
    string s2 = "ab";
    int n2 = 2;
        GetMaxRepetitions(s1, n1, s2, n2));



Time Complexity: O((N + M) * n1) 
Auxiliary Space:O(1)

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