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Make a Web-based Weather Report of your Location using OpenWeatherMap API

Follow these simple steps in order to make a Web-based Weather Application Using OpenWeatherMap API.

Step 1: Make your account in OpenWeatherMap for accessing their API for our project. Create an Account. It’s totally FREE. After making an account you will get a default key just note/copy that key because we will use it for our feature steps.

Step 2: Write down the following HTML code in the MainPage.html file. You can choose any name for the file.

Filename: MainPage.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Weather Report</title>
  <link rel="icon" href="favicon.png">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="PageStyle.css">
  <link href=
  <p id="data" class="styleIt"></p>
  <script src="JSPage.js"></script>


All about favicon icon

Step 3: Write down the following CSS for making the looks of the web-page more attractive.

Filename: PageStyle.css

    background-color: rgb(182, 182, 182);
    border: 2px solid rgb(182, 182, 182);
    border-radius: 8px;
    text-align: center;
    box-shadow: 6px 5px 2px rgb(182, 182, 182), 
    0 0 25px rgb(0, 0, 0), 0 0 5px rgb(182, 182, 182);
    font-family: 'Delius Swash Caps';
    background:rgb(120, 120, 120);
    margin: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-right: -50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%)


Application Without CSS

Application With CSS

Step 4: This is the main file of our whole project which will bring the Location of our present location and using API get the data of our location and print in the web-page.

Filename: JSPage.js

var data = document.getElementById("data");
var Latitude;
var Longitude;
var key = "------Put Your Own Key-----";
// Function to get the latitude and longitude data
function getLocation() {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
    } else {
        data_of_Lat_Lon.innerHTML = 
            "Geolocation is not supported by this browser";
// Function to fetch the Latitude and Longitude
// from position data
function showPosition(position) {
    Latitude = position.coords.latitude;
    Longitude = position.coords.longitude;
    getData(Latitude, Longitude);
// Fetching the data and calling the API
function getData(Lat, Lon) {
    const readyToSent = (url + "lat=" + Lat 
        + "&lon=" + Lon + "&appid=" + key);
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => {
// Fetching the JSON file and printing it to 
// the paragraph which is called by ID data
function fetchData(data) {
    const icon = ""
        +[0].icon + "@2x.png"
    document.getElementById("data").innerHTML =
        "<b>The weather report of your Location is :-"
            + "</b><br> <img src=" + icon + "><br>"
            + "<b>Country :</b>" + 
            + "<br><b>Local Area Name :</b>" 
            + + "<br><b>Temp. :</b>" 
            + parseFloat((data.main.temp - 273.15))
            .toFixed(1) + "℃"
            "<br><b>But You will feel like :</b>" 
            + parseFloat((data.main.feels_like - 
                273.15)).toFixed(1) + "℃" 
            + "<br><b>Min. Temp. :</b>" 
            + parseFloat((data.main.temp_min - 
                273.15)).toFixed(1) + "℃" 
            + "<br><b>Max. Temp. :</b>" 
            + parseFloat((data.main.temp_max - 
                273.15)).toFixed(1) + "℃" 
            + "<br><b>Pressure :</b>" 
            + data.main.pressure + "hPa" 
            + "<br><b>Humidity :</b>" 
            + data.main.humidity + "%" 
            + "<br><b>Weather :</b>" 
            +[0].description + "<br>"
// Function call


Step 5: Now just open MainPage.html file in any browser and you will see the following output.

Web-based Weather Application


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