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Lodash _.template() Method

Lodash _.template() method is used to create a template function that is compiled and can interpolate properties of data in interpolate delimiters, execute JavaScript in evaluate delimiters, and HTML-escape interpolated properties of data in escape delimiters. Moreover, data properties are retrieved in the template as free variables. 


_.template([string=''], [options={}]);


Return Value:

This method returns the compiled template function.

Example 1: In this example, we are passing a string into the _.template() method.

// Requiring lodash library
const _ = require('lodash');
// Using the _.template() method to
// create a compiled template using
// the "interpolate" delimiter
let comptempl =
    _.template('Hi <%= author%>!');
// Assigning the value to the 
// interpolate delimiter
let result =
    comptempl({ 'author': 'Nidhi' });
// Displays output


Hi Nidhi!

Example 2: In this example, we are passing a string into the _.template() method. and printing the ‘geek’ into the console.

// Requiring lodash library
const _ = require('lodash');
// Using the _.template() method to
// create a compiled template using
// the internal print function in
// the "evaluate" delimiter
let comptempl = _.template(
    '<% print("hey " + geek); %>...'
// Assigning value to the evaluate delimiter
let result =
    comptempl({ 'geek': 'Nisha' });
// Displays output


hey Nisha...

Example 3: In this example, we are passing a string into the _.template() method. The forEach() method is used as the evaluate delimiter in order to generate HTML as output.

// Requiring lodash library
const _ = require("lodash");
// Using the template() method with
// additional parameters
let compiled_temp = _.template(
    "<% _.forEach(students, function(students) " +
    "{ %><li><b><%- students %></b></li><% }); %>"
)({ students: ["Rahul", "Rohit"] });
// Displays the output



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