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ListWheelScrollView Widget in Flutter

ListWheelScrollView is a flutter widget that is used to build ListView with a 3D effect. We can also use ListView to create a list of items but we can’t add a 3D effect to it plus it also comes with a constraint that all the children inside this widget must be of the same size along the strolling axis. Flutter’s ListWheelScrollView adds its children in a scrollable wheel. That results in a 3D effect as if the children are rotating in a wheel. This widget comes with many properties. Some allow us to set the diameter of the wheel, make off-set, or even add a magnification effect.

Constructor of ListWheelScrollView class:

ListWheelScrollView({Key key,
 ScrollController controller, 
 ScrollPhysics physics, 
 double diameterRatio, 
 double perspective, 
 double offAxisFraction, 
 bool useMagnifier, 
 double magnification, 
 double overAndUnderCenterOpacity, 
 double itemExtent, 
 double squeeze, 
 void Function(int) onSelectedItemChanged, 
 bool clipToSize, 
 bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport, 
 List<Widget> children})

ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate Constructor

const ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate(
{Key key,
ScrollController controller,
ScrollPhysics physics,
double diameterRatio: RenderListWheelViewport.defaultDiameterRatio,
double perspective: RenderListWheelViewport.defaultPerspective,
double offAxisFraction: 0.0,
bool useMagnifier: false,
double magnification: 1.0,
double overAndUnderCenterOpacity: 1.0,
@required double itemExtent,
double squeeze: 1.0,
ValueChanged<int> onSelectedItemChanged,
bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport: false,
Clip clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge,
String restorationId,
@required ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate}

Properties of ListWheelScrollView:

final ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate

final double offAxisFraction
// Syntax
void ValueChanged (
T value
final ScrollPhysics physics
final double squeeze


File: main.dart

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
// This widget is the root
// of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'ListWheelScrollView Example',
      theme: ThemeData(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: const Wheel(),
class Wheel extends StatefulWidget {
  const Wheel({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
  // ignore: library_private_types_in_public_api
  _WheelState createState() => _WheelState();
class _WheelState extends State<Wheel> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("Geeksforgeeks"),
      body: ListWheelScrollView(
        itemExtent: 100,
        // diameterRatio: 1.6,
        // offAxisFraction: -0.4,
        // squeeze: 0.8,
        // DEPRECATED : clipToSize does not exist anymore.
        // USe clipBehaviour instead.
        // clipToSize: true,
        clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
        children: const <Widget>[
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 1',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 2',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 3',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 4',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 5',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 6',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 7',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            onPressed: null,
            child: Text(
              'Item 8',
              textAlign: TextAlign.start,
              style: TextStyle(
                  fontSize: 25,
                  fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 1",
          //     textAlign: TextAlign.start,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 2",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 3",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 4",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 5",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 6",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 7",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),
          // RaisedButton(
          //   onPressed: null,
          //   child: Text(
          //     "Item 8",
          //     textAlign:,
          //     style: TextStyle(
          //         color:,
          //         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          //         fontSize: 25),
          //   ),
          // ),


The following properties are defined in the above example:

itemExtent: 100,
clipToSize: true


If the properties are defined as below:

itemExtent: 100,
clipToSize: true,
diameterRatio: 1

The following design changes can be observed as shown below as follows:

If the properties are defined as below:

itemExtent: 100,
clipToSize: true,
diameterRatio: 1
offAxisFraction: -0.4

The following design changes can be observed as shown below as follows:

If the properties are defined as below:

itemExtent: 200,
diameterRatio: 1.5,
clipToSize: true

The following design changes can be observed as shown below as follows:

If the properties are defined as below:

itemExtent: 200,
diameterRatio: 1.5,
offAxisFraction: 0.4,
squeeze: 0.8,
clipToSize: true

The following design changes can be observed:

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