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Which Linux distribution shall I choose?

If you are new to Linux and your brain is also circling around such a wide range of Linux distros, just like earth around sun then maybe this article can help you in finding ‘the one’ for you.

Let’s get a basic understanding first of the following:

  1. What is the difference between distribution and flavor of Linux?
  2. Which distribution should I choose?

What are the differences between flavor and distribution?

Well, technically Linux is “NOT” a UNIX. It uses the Linux kernel and the GNU userland utilities. As such GNU stands for “Gnu’s Not Unix” and instead is a UNIX-like operating environment.

Also, while AIX, Solaris, BSD, HP-UX and even Mac OSX are “UNIX” depending on the actual certification from whoever holds the rights to determine what UNIX is, many people lump them together as the tools are similar and the commands are similar in most cases.

In the case of a distribution, that is due to the maintainer’s decisions of what to include, how to control the releases, etc.

SUSE, Debian, Red Hat, are all using the Linux kernel, GNU userland, etc, however Debian uses different package management, for the most part, Different run levels and configuration files are employed, and the choice of what goes into a release is left up to the maintainer of each distribution.

means a certain set of applications that are bundled and pre-configured. The difference in that for Linux distributions (or distros) can range from almost nothing (eg. RHEL vs. CentOS), to a completely different intention, and thus software selection (eg. Slackware vs. Mint)

In any distribution, the fundamentals stay the same:

What differs from distribution to distribution usually?

What about Flavors?

Different “flavors” are called that because they are based on the same principles (POSIX, Single UNIX Specification), but follow different ways for implementation. For example, while all Unices have a sigaction system call, probably none of them share the same implementation, as the Kernel itself follows different specifications.

What Linux Distribution should I choose?

Choosing a Linux distribution is a personal thing. It greatly depends on what you want to do with it.

Let me cut short this process for you; if you have recently heard of Linux and hadn’t had your hands on any distribution and you are a complete newbee who wants to Linux then seriously just close your eyes and install ubuntu. It’s my personal favorite and even I use it as my primary OS too. It’s a pretty distro. to initiate a handshake with Linux and can serve you even with all possible advance services also. It is packed with easy installation process, decent GUI and great terminal.
An alternative to Ubuntu can be Linux Mint. Mint provides all the same features with a sober interface and it is ranked ‘1’ on

If you are a Linux pro and want to try a different distro maybe bcoz you are too bored from the present one or maybe your present distro doesn’t support all the advance features you need then you can choose Fedora,Debian or Arch Linux. If you are into pen-testing or anything similar then you should go for Kali linux. It comes with a large number of inbuilt tools which can your work pretty easy.

So, all in all before choosing, Google about the distro that fulfills your needs.

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