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Life Cycle of Java Applet

An applet is a Java program that can be embedded into a web page. It runs inside the web browser and works on the client-side. An applet is embedded in an HTML page using the APPLET or OBJECT tag and hosted on a web server. The entire life cycle of an applet is managed by the Applet Container. All applets are sub-classes (either directly or indirectly) of java.applet.Applet class. Applets are not stand-alone programs. They run either within a web browser or an applet viewer. 

Java applet is deprecated because it’s no longer widely used on the web. The popularity of applets  has decreased over the years as browser support for applets has declined, and more advanced  technologies such as web-based applications and JavaScript have become more prevalent.  Additionally, applets are considered a security risk as they can execute arbitrary code on the  client machine, and many browsers now disable them by default. As a result, Java’s applet  technology is no longer seen as a valuable feature for Java developers and is removed from the  newer versions of Java.

We can view our Applet with the help of a standard applet viewer tool called Applet Viewer. Unlike the general executions and outputs of the java programs, applet execution does not begin at main() method, and the output of an applet window is not catered by System.out.println(). Rather it is handled with various Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) methods, such as drawString().

Let us do see a hierarchy of Applet before landing up on stages in the lifecycle of the java applet that is as follows in the below media:

Stages in the Life Cycle of Java Applet

Note: In order to implement the Applet we need to import awt package :


Life Cycle of Applet

Step 1: Initialization

public void init() 

There is no main method unlike our normal java programs. Every Applet will start it’s execution from init() method. It is executed only once

Step 2: Start

public void start()

After init() method start() method is invoked. Executed when the browser is maximized

Step 3: Paint

public void paint (Graphics g)

Paint method is used to display the content on the applet. We can create the objects or components to the applet or we can directly write a message on the applet. It will take Graphics class as a parameter.

Step 4: Stop

public void stop()

stop() method is used to stop the applet. It is executed when the browser is minimized.

Step 5: Destroy

public void destroy()

destroy() method is used to completely close the applet. It is executed when the applet is closed.


Implementation of java Applet can be done in two ways as follows:

  1. Using HTML file
  2. Applet viewer tool

Way 1: Using HTML file


Note: Drawbacks of using HTML file is you need a plugin (java plugin) to run it on your browser.

Way 2: Applet viewer tool 

Methods of Applet Life Cycle:

There are five methods of an Applet Life Cycle namely; 

  1. init()
  2. start()
  3. paint()
  4. stop()
  5. destroy()

All these are available in AWT Package java.awt.applet.* and in order ton import paint (Graphics g) we do use  java.awt.component package 

Let’s understand each method in a detailed manner :

Method 1: init()  


public void init()
 // To initialize objects

Method 2: start()  


public void start()
 // To start the applet code

Note: init() is called once i.e. when the first time an applet is loaded whereas start( ) is called each time an applet’s HTML document is displayed onscreen.

Method 3: paint() 

void paint(Graphics g){ }


public void paint(Graphics graphics)
 // Any shape's code

Note: This is the only method among all the method mention above, which is parameterized. 

Method 4: stop() 


public void stop()
 // To stop the applet code

Method 5: destroy() 


public void destroy()
 // To destroy the applet

Note: The stop( ) method is always called before destroy( )

Syntax: Entire Applet Life Cycle 

Class AppletLifeCycle extends Applet
    public void init()
        // Initializes objects
    public void start()
        // Starts the applet code
    public void paint(Graphics graphics)
        // Any shape's code
    public void stop()
        // Stops the applet code
    public void destroy()
        // Destroys the applet code


Example 1: In order to begin with Java Applet, let’s understand a simple code to make the Applet  

// Java Program to Make An Applet
// Importing required classes from packages
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.applet.*;
// Class 1
// Helper class extending Applet class
public class AppletDemo extends Applet
// Note: Every class used here is a derived class of applet,
// Hence we use extends keyword Every applet is public
    public void init()
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        g.drawString("Welcome", 100, 100);
// Save file as in local machine

  <applet code = AppletDemo
          width = 400
          height = 500>
<!-- Save as Applet.html -->

Compilation methods:

Now in order to generate output, do follow below undersigned to compile and run the above file:

Method 1: Using command

Method 2: Include the applet code in our java program.

Methods are as follows:

Method 1: Using the command




Double click on Applet.html 
This won't work on browser as we don't have the proper plugins.

Method 2: Include the applet code in our java program make sure to put this html applet code as comments as it is important evil as demonstrated below as follows:


// Java Program to Illustrate Insertion of HTML File in
// Applet As Commands
// Importing required classes
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
// Note: Insertion of HTM:L file as comments
/* <applet code = AppletDemo width=400 height=500>
// Java Program
// Class extending Applet
public class AppletDemo extends Applet {
    public void init()
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        g.drawString("Welcome to Applets", 50, 50);


c:\> javac


c:\> appletviewer

So this was all about the Life Cycle of Java Applet and methods used to run the applet ! Hope this helps.


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