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Lexicographical smallest and largest Permutation from Array whose elements are max of Prefix

Given an array A[] of size N where each element A[i] =max(P[0], P[1], . . ., P[i]), where P[] is a permutation consisting of elements from 1 to N, the task is to find the lexicographically smallest and lexicographically largest permutation that satisfies A[].


Input: A[] = {3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7}
Output: Lexicographically smallest permutation is: {3 4 5 1 2 7 6}. 
Lexicographically largest permutation is: { 3 4 5 2 1 7 6} 

Input: A[] = {2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6}
Output: Lexicographically smallest permutation is: 2 4 1 3 6 5 
Lexicographically largest permutation is: 2 4 3 1 6 5 

Approach: This problem can be solved using this idea:

Use a set to store the first N natural number and for each element of A, find the lexicographical element satisfying A using property of set that it stores values in sorted order.

To make a permutation array, push all the natural numbers from 1 to N into a set because every element is required only once.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.

// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return the max array of
// minimum and maximum permutation
// satisfying A
void findMinMaxPermutation(vector<int>& A)
    int n = A.size();
    set<int> s;
    vector<int> mini;
    vector<int> maxi;
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
    int curr_max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int number;
        // If curr_max is less
        if (curr_max < A[i]) {
            number = A[i];
        // Choosing the smallest element less than A[i]
            number = *s.begin();
        // Erasing from set
        // Pushing the elements to vector
        // Keep updating the max
        curr_max = max(curr_max, mini.back());
    curr_max = 0;
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int number;
        // If curr_max is less
        if (curr_max < A[i])
            number = A[i];
        // Choosing the bigger element but less than A[i]
            number = *(--(s.lower_bound(A[i])));
        // Erasing from set
        // Pushing the elements to vector
        // Keep updating the max
        curr_max = max(curr_max, maxi.back());
    cout << "Lexicographically smallest permutation is : ";
    for (auto i : mini)
        cout << i << " ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Lexicographically largest permutation is : ";
    for (auto i : maxi)
        cout << i << " ";
    cout << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    vector<int> A{ 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6 };
    // Function call
    return 0;

/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  // Function to return the max array of
  // minimum and maximum permutation
  // satisfying A
  public static void
    findMinMaxPermutation(List<Integer> A)
    int n = A.size();
    // set<Integer> s;
    HashSet<Integer> s = new HashSet<Integer>();
    List<Integer> mini = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<Integer> maxi = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
    int curr_max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int number = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      // If curr_max is less
      if (curr_max < A.get(i)) {
        number = A.get(i);
      // Choosing the smallest element less than A[i]
        for (int var : s) {
          // For elements in Set
          if (var < number)
            // Update the minimum element
            number = var;
      // Erasing from set
      // Pushing the elements to vector
      // Keep updating the max
      curr_max = Math.max(curr_max,
                          mini.get(mini.size() - 1));
    curr_max = 0;
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int number = 0;
      // If curr_max is less
      if (curr_max < A.get(i))
        number = A.get(i);
      // Choosing the bigger element but less than
      // A[i]
      else {
        for (int num : s) {
          if (num <= A.get(i))
            number = Math.max(number, num);
      // Erasing from set
      // Pushing the elements to vector
      // Keep updating the max
      curr_max = Math.max(curr_max,
                          maxi.get(maxi.size() - 1));
      "Lexicographically smallest permutation is : ");
    for (int i : mini)
      System.out.print(i + " ");
      "Lexicographically largest permutation is : ");
    for (int i : maxi)
      System.out.print(i + " ");
  public static void main(String[] args)
    List<Integer> A = new ArrayList<Integer>(
      Arrays.asList(2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6));
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by akashish__

# Python code for the above approach
# import the module
import math
# Function to return the max array of
# minimum and maximum permutation satisfying A
def findMinMaxPermutation(A):
    n = len(A)
    # set s
    s = set()
    mini = []
    maxi = []
    # Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for i in range(1, n+1):
    curr_max = 0
    for i in range(n):
        number = math.inf
        # If curr_max is less
        if(curr_max < A[i]):
            number = A[i]
        # Choosing the smallest element less than A[i]
            for var in s:
                # For elements in Set
                if(var < number):
                    # Update the minimum element
                    number = var
        # Erasing from set
        # Pushing the elements to vector
        # Keep updating the max
        curr_max = max(curr_max, mini[len(mini)-1])
    curr_max = 0
    # Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for i in range(1, n+1):
    for i in range(n):
        number = 0
        # If curr_max is less
        if(curr_max < A[i]):
            number = A[i]
        # Choosing the bigger element but less than A[i]
            for num in s:
                if(num <= A[i]):
                    number = max(number, num)
        # Erasing from set
        # Pushing the elements to vector
        # Keep updating the max
        curr_max = max(curr_max, maxi[len(maxi)-1])
    print("Lexicographically smallest permutation is :", end=" ")
    for i in mini:
        print(i, end=" ")
    print("Lexicographically largest permutation is :", end=" ")
    for i in maxi:
        print(i, end=" ")
A = [2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6]
# Function call
# This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.

// C# code for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG {
  // Function to return the max array of minimum and
  // maximum permutation satisfying A
  static void findMinMaxPermutation(List<int> A)
    int n = A.Count;
    // set<Integer> s;
    HashSet<int> s = new HashSet<int>();
    List<int> mini = new List<int>();
    List<int> maxi = new List<int>();
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) {
    int curr_max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int number = Int32.MaxValue;
      // If curr_max is less
      if (curr_max < A[i]) {
        number = A[i];
      // Choosing the smallest element less than A[i]
      else {
        foreach(var Var in s)
          // For elements in Set
          if (Var < number) {
            // Update the minimum element
            number = Var;
      // Erasing from set
      // Pushing the elements to vector
      // Keep updating the max
        = Math.Max(curr_max, mini[mini.Count - 1]);
    curr_max = 0;
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int number = 0;
      // If curr_max is less
      if (curr_max < A[i]) {
        number = A[i];
      // Choosing the bigger element but less than
      // A[i]
      else {
        foreach(var num in s)
          if (num <= A[i]) {
            number = Math.Max(number, num);
      // Erasing from set
      // Pushing the elements to vector
      // Keep updating the max
        = Math.Max(curr_max, maxi[maxi.Count - 1]);
      "Lexicographically smallest permutation is : ");
    for (int i = 0; i < mini.Count; i++) {
      Console.Write(mini[i] + " ");
      "Lexicographically largest permutation is : ");
    for (int i = 0; i < maxi.Count; i++) {
      Console.Write(maxi[i] + " ");
  static public void Main()
    // Code
    List<int> A = new List<int>() { 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6 };
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.

// JavaScript code to implement the approach
// Function to return the max array of
// minimum and maximum permutation
// satisfying A
function findMinMaxPermutation(A)
    let n = A.length;
    let s = new Set();
    let mini = [];
    let maxi = [];
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (let i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
    let curr_max = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        let number=0;
        // If curr_max is less
        if (curr_max < A[i]) {
            number = A[i];
        // Choosing the smallest element less than A[i]
            number = Math.min(...s);
        // Erasing from set
        // Pushing the elements to mini array
        // Keep updating the max
        curr_max = Math.max(curr_max, mini[mini.length-1]);
    curr_max = 0;
    // Pushing all the elements into set till n
    for (let i = 1; i < n + 1; i++)
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        let number=0;
        // If curr_max is less
        if (curr_max < A[i])
            number = A[i];
        // Choosing the bigger element but less than A[i]
                for(let num of s)
                    number=Math.max(number, num);
        // Erasing from set
        // Pushing the elements to maxi array
        // Keep updating the max
        curr_max = Math.max(curr_max, maxi[maxi.length-1]);
    console.log("Lexicographically smallest permutation is : " + mini);
    console.log("Lexicographically largest permutation is : " + maxi);
// Driver Code
    let A = [2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6 ];
    // Function call
    // This code is contributed by Ishan Khandelwal

Lexicographically smallest permutation is : 2 4 1 3 6 5 
Lexicographically largest permutation is : 2 4 3 1 6 5 

Time Complexity: N* logN
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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