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Ladder Graph Using Networkx Module in Python

In this article, we are going to see the ladder graph using Python. It is a graph that looks like ladders used commonly with every node attached to two other nodes in a specific manner. We can obtain a ladder graph by joining two-path graphs of n nodes each by each node connected with a corresponding node in another path graph.


Below attached is an image of the L4 (n) Ladder Graph that Returns the Ladder graph of length 4(n).

Ladder Graph

Properties of the ladder graph:

We will use the networkx module for realizing a Ladder graph. It comes with an inbuilt function networkx.ladder_graph() and can be illustrated using the networkx.draw() method. 

Syntax: networkx.draw(G, node_size, node_color)


  • G: It refers to the ladder graph object
  • node_size: It refers to the size of nodes.
  • node_color: It refers to color of the nodes.

Below are some examples to depict how to illustrate a Ladder graph in Python:


Example 1:

# import required module
import networkx
# number of nodes
n = 5
# create object
G = networkx.ladder_graph(n)
# illustrate graph






Example 2: Making color of nodes green and increasing size by passing extra arguments to nx.draw() function as discussed above. 





# import required module
import networkx
# create object
G = networkx.ladder_graph(5)
# illustrate graph
networkx.draw(G, node_size = 500,
            node_color = 'green')


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