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Kuki Chatbot vs. Mitsuku: Which AI Chatbot Is More Human-Like?

With the development of technology all over the world, humans and machines are becoming more interconnected to each other. AI Chatbots carry conversation through a robot whose main function is to provide answers to the user’s questions. They provide a better experience to the consumers and along with that it helps in better functioning of the business daily.

The development of artificial intelligence introduced virtual assistants and AI chatbots, which are helpful for businesses in carrying out eCommerce and providing customer service. Two of the most well-known AI chatbots are Kuki and Mitsuku, and in this article, we will discuss which one is more human-like.

Mitsuku Chatbot: Human-Based Virtual Friend

Mitsuku is an AI chatbot made by Steve Worswick in 2005, which can have conversations using Natural Language Processing . This chatbot has received the Loebner Prize for being the most human-like chatbot. It supports Artificial Intelligence Markup Language ,  an open-source scripting language. It is easy for beginners and even for those with zero coding skills.

Pandorabot has been used to build this chatbot. Mitsuku also builds and deploys bots for messaging services like Telegram, Slack and Twitter. It mainly fulfils the purpose of providing entertainment to the user, but one can build a chatbot with advanced coding skills. The users can also buy a licence from Pandora bots to use Mitsuku’s code in other AI chatbot applications.

Mitsuku Chatbot Features

Mitsuku Chatbot Pricing

All About Kuki Chatbot

Kuki is an AI bot whose purpose is to have a friendly relationship with the humans in the metaverse. It was earlier known as Mitsuku and created from Pandorabots using Artificial Intelligence Markup Language ( AIML ). Steve Worswick created this chatbot, which holds a record for being a five-time winner of the Turing test competition known as the Loebner Prize.

The users can chat with Kuki with the help of a web portal or on social media platforms such as Messenger, Discord, Telegram, etc., and was earlier available on Skype. It splits the sentences and phrases in a conversation into two parts: a core and a wild card for better interpretation of the conversation. It splits the sentences and phrases in a conversation into two parts: a core and a wild card for better interpretation of the conversation .

Kuki Chatbot Features

Kuki Chatbot Pricing

Comparison Chart: Mitsuku Chatbot vs. Kuki Chatbot



Mitsuku Chatbot

Kuki Chatbot


Available 24*7








Learning capability




Natural language processing




Contextual understanding




Ability to remember conversations




Support for various topics




Emotion detection and response



Which is Better: Mitsuku Chatbot or Kuki Chatbot?

The selection of a better Chatbot ( Mitsuku or Kuki ) depends on the needs of the user. Both the chatbots have their pros and cons, which may differ from user to user. 

Mitsuku is known for its human-like conversational skills and has won the Loebner Prize several times, it also has advanced natural learning processing. It can easily understand complex language and also detect and respond to emotions. It has a friendly and engaging personality, which provides human-like interaction with a chatbot. The availability of this chatbot on various platforms makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

While Kuki also offers friendly conversation to the users, it is not as widely recognized as Mitsuku, it may employ a natural language processing technique. It can adapt itself to the response of the users during a conversation. 

Some users might consider Mitsuku better as it is more reputed and has advanced conversational abilities, while others may find Kuki’s conversational style better.


When comparing both Kuki and Mitsuki, both of them have human-like conversational skills, which makes it difficult to call one of them better than the other.

Mitsuki has advanced natural learning processing techniques, it has an understanding of complex context and emotions. It can maintain conversation for a long period and can also adapt itself to the user’s response.

On the other hand, Kuki, developed by Pandorabots, offers a similar conversational experience. It has won the Loebner Prize for being the most human-like chatbot.

Both Mitsuki and Kuki show the advancements in AI technology by providing as much human-like conversation as possible. The users who are looking for the most human-like interaction with AI must try Mitsuki or Kuki, each having its pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision of which AI chatbot is better depends upon the needs and preferences of the users.

FAQs – Kuki Chatbot vs. Mitsuku

What factors determine the human-likeness of a chatbot?

The factors which determine the human-likeness of a chatbot are natural language processing techniques, contextual capabilities, emotion detection and response, can remember previous interactions and maintain conversational flow.

Which chatbot has a more sophisticated understanding of language and context?

Mitsuku has a better understanding of language and context as well as it can maintain the relevancy with the content. On the other hand, Kuki provides better natural language processing techniques while it may not have proficient language understanding.

How can users determine which chatbot better suits their needs?

Users can determine a better chatbot tool which suits their need by evaluating the factors such as responsiveness, conversational flow, and overall user experience. The choice of tool can also be based on personal preference of the user.

Do Kuki and Mitsuki differ in their approaches to conversation?

Both chatbots may have similar goals but their conversational style and capabilities may differ. Mitsuki is more friendly and engaging, while Kuki provides a better tone, style, and better depth of interaction.

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