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Kubernetes – Kubectl

Kubectl is a command-line software tool that is used to run commands in command-line mode against the Kubernetes Cluster. Kubectl runs the commands in the command line, Behind the scenes it authenticates with the master node of Kubernetes Cluster with API calls and performs the operations on Kubernetes Resources such as Creation, Deletion, Modification, and Viewing Operations. Here the Resources include such as Pod, Service, Deployment, Secrets, ReplicationController, ReplicationSet, Persistent Volumes, etc.

What is kubectl?

Kubectl is command-line software that helps to run commands in the Kubernetes Cluster. It acts as a bridge between clients and the Kubernetes cluster providing communication through API requests using http or https protocols. It converts the commands entered in the command line from a user into API requests and pass to the API server of the Kubernetes master Node with proper Authentication. It helps to manage the containers and deploy apps and other resources to run smoothly.

Kubernetes Internals

In Kubernetes the Orchestration of containerized applications are powered through operations of master and worker nodes. The Internal Resources of Kubernetes brings the robustness in Orchestrating the containered applications. The Internals of Kubernetes includes k8s etcd resource for storing distributed key-value pair of configuration, K8s Controller Manager for maintaining desired state of containered applications, K8s Scheduler resource for distributed of workloads, k8s API Server resources for acting at front of the control plane in transmission of API calls.. These internals resources of the kubernetes provides the seamless features of ensuring scalability, resilience in container management.

To Know more about the kubernetes Internals refer this article – Kubernetes Cluster

Architecture of Kubectl in Kubernetes Cluster

The Kubectl is a client-side tool that acts as a bridge between the users and the K8s cluster. It provides an interactive command-line interface for the users to run the commands with kubectl against the Kubernetes cluster. The Architecture involves once the users/client executes a command through the command line it is authenticated with the master node of k8s Cluster through the Kubernetes API server. Based on the type of API request Kubernetes API server facilitates the orchestration and coordination of Kubernetes resources such as Control Manager, Kubernetes Scheduler, and Etcd resources.. within the Kubernetes Cluster. The following Diagram illustrates the above-discussed architecture workflow of kubectl in Kubernetes.

Installation of  Kubectl

You can setup the installation of Kubectl on any of the following sources of environment.

Once you install Kubectl on kuba respective environment you can cross-check by running the below command.

$ kubectl version 

In the following screenshot you versioning details of kubectl:

To know more about of kubectl, please read this cheatsheet: kubectl cheatsheet


$ kubectl [command]  [TYPE]  [NAME]  [flags]

How to run the commands for resources that kubectl provides.

Create a Resource Using Kubectl

In Kubernetes, a resource gets created inside a namespace which resource using which we can create other resources in a separate environment.

First, we are creating a namespace inside which we will create our Pod.

$ kubectl create namespace geeksforgeeks

We can create a Pod using the below YAML file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: geeksforgeeks
namespace: geeksforgeeks
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- containerPort: 80

The above file is a configuration file using which we are creating a pod of name geeksforgeeks in namespace geeksforgeeksnamespace which is an Nginx server. Similarly, we can create other resources like secrets, replica sets, etc by just changing the name in front of the kind and mentioning the key value in metadata and spec accordingly.

$ kubectl create -f geeksforgeekspod.yaml

The above discussed commands are implemented in the screenshot, try on implementing this

To Get the Resources

Command to see all the namespaces.

kubectl get namespaces

To see the namespace geeksforgeeksnamespace run the below command.

$ kubectl get namespaces

Command to see the list of all pods.

$ kubectl get pods

This will show the pods in the default namespace. To list all the pods in a particular namespace we can pass the flag -n and the name of the namespace with `kubectl get pods` command.

$ kubectl get pods -n <namespace_name>

So if we have to list down the pod that we have created in namespace geeksforgeeksnamespace, run the below command.

$ kubectl get pod -n geeksforgeeks

Describe a Resource

To describe the resource we have to run kubectl describe command and then mention the resource and the namespace that resource is in.

$ kubectl describe resource_name -n namespace_name

So now we will describe our pod.

$ kubectl describe pod geeksforgeeks -n geeksforgeeks
Name:         geeksforgeeks
Namespace: geeksforgeeksnamespace
Priority: 0
Node: cluc-control-plane/
Start Time: Sun, 15 May 2022 11:17:36 +0000
Labels: <none>
Annotations: ce6d80d1a912
Status: Running
Container ID: containerd://b265bb64e9cea231b9e52a150f2
Image: nginx:1.14.2
Image ID:
Port: 80/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Sun, 15 May 2022 11:19:20 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Environment: <none>
from kube-api-access-gz2zs (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True 
Ready True 
ContainersReady True 
PodScheduled True 
Type: Projected (a volume that contains
injected data from multiple sources)
TokenExpirationSeconds: 3607
ConfigMapName: kube-root-ca.crt
ConfigMapOptional: <nil>
DownwardAPI: true
QoS Class: BestEffort
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: op=Exists for 300s op=Exists for 300s
Events: <none>

Creating namespace with name “geeksforgeeks” and creating pod with name “geeksforgeeks” inside this namespace is showed in this screenshot:

Delete the Resources

kubectl delete command is used to delete the resources by passing their name and namespace if we are deleting other resources other than a namespace.

$ kubectl delete resource
resource_name -n namespace_name

Now we will delete the pod and namespace.

$ kubectl delete pod geeksforgeeks -n geeksforgeeks

You can verify whether the pod is deleted or not by running kubectl get pod -n geeksforgeeksnamespace.

Now we will delete the namespace instead of -n option as follows.

$ kubectl delete namespace geeksforgeeks

Note: If we delete the namespace before the pod then the pod will delete automatically with other resources in that namespace.

The following screenshot shows the practical deleting pods in namespaces and deleting namespaces:

Popular Commands Usage Of Kubectl

There are many commands in kubectl and their popularity depends on the requirements and its specific Use case. However, here some of the commands list that are some commonly used and popular kubectl commands:

  kubectl get pods -n namespace1
  kubectl describe deployment <deployment-name>
  kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=<number>
  kubectl apply -f <service-definition.yaml>
  kubectl delete pod mypod

The above specific commands you can use depend on the tasks you are going to perform within your Kubernetes cluster. Additionally it is always a recommended idea to refer the official documentation of Kubernetes for detailed information on kubectl commands and their usage.

How To Run Kubernetes Yaml Code Files With Kubectl ?

By defining the desired resources with Yaml syntax, you can create and run a Kubernetes YAML file using the ‘kubectl’ command for configuring those appliances to the Kubernetes cluster. Here is the step-by-step process of guidelines to create and run the k8s file with kubectl:

Create a Yaml File

On using a text editor create a YAML file describing the specification of resources that to create or modify. For Example a ‘Deployment.yaml’ file is created as a sample.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: mydeployment
replicas: 4
app: myapp1
app: myapp1
- name: mycontainer1
image: nginx:latest

The following screenshot shows the creation of deployment practically with name “deployment” with replicas – 4

Applying The Configuration

Use the Deployment.yaml file with the ‘kubectl apply’ command to apply the configurations to the Kubernetes cluster. here I am using default namespace, to specify the use -n namespace_name at the end of the command.

kubectl create -f  Deployment.yaml

When your are applying the configuration for the first time with the specified yaml file we use create option. i.e., kubectl create -f <file_name>. While the option `kubectl apply` can be used for the both creation and updating the configuration of the file ie., kubectl apply -f <file_name>

The following screenshot shows the practical on updating the deployment configuration file with changing its replicas from 4 to 2.

To Check The Status Of The Resources in K8s

 kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods

Describing the Resources ( Optional )

 kubectl describe deployment mydeployment

Updating The Resources ( Optional )

To make changes any changes to your resources, you can update the YAML file, and then reapply the configuration using kubectl apply command with <filename>.

 kubectl apply -f Deployment.yaml

Deleting The Resources (Optional)

To delete a specific resource that you created try on running the `kubectl delete` command with resource type and resource type name.

 kubectl delete -f Deployment.yaml

Features of Kubernetes Kubectl Tool

What are the popular plugins of Kubectl?

Kubectl plugins help extend the capabilities of the ‘Kubectl’ command. It allows the automation of tasks and introduces specialized commands to increase productivity offering shortcuts and customized options. The following are a few widely used popular kubectl plugins:

What Are The Alternatives Tools To The Kubectl?

For Interacting with Kubernetes clusters in command-line mode, kubectl is the primary and widely used command-line tool offering different features and user experience. Here are some other notable alternative command line tools for Kubectl:


Kubectl stands as a powerfully effective tool for Kubernetes administrators and developers in management and operations over the clusters in multiple environments. It helps with the effortless management of resources, troubleshooting issues, and navigating in complex clusters. kubectl facilitates context-context switching capabilities and extends the functionality with plugins support providing a seamless interaction with containerized applications.

Kubernetes Kubectl – FAQs

What is need of `kubectl` In Kubernetes?

‘kubectl’ is the command line software tool that is used to manage and control the Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, and deployments on making interaction with the Kubernetes clusters.

How Do I Switch between Kubernetes clusters using `kubectl`?

`kubectl config use-context `command facilitates the you by allows for switching between the specified context for representing different cluster.

What is the difference between `kubectl apply` and `kubectl create`?

‘kubectl apply‘ is used for both create and update the resources of the Yaml file Configurations while ‘kubectl create’ is used for only to create the resources.

How do I view the logs of a specific pod using `kubectl`?

On using the ‘kubectl logs’ command with pod name, you can view the logs of a particular pod and its specifications inside container.

What is the purpose of `kubectl get` and `kubectl describe` commands?

`kubectl get` is used for fetching the information about resources in the cluster whereas `kubectl describe` used to provide a detailed information about a specific resource including its status, events and configurations.

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