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Top 10 Kotlin Libraries to Know in 2024

In the huge landscape of programming languages, Kotlin has emerged as a powerful programming language and has received tremendous popularity among programmers. The Kotlin language is not just limited to Android development; it’s also used in server-side programming and beyond.

One of the reasons behind its popularity and adoption is its rich ecosystem of libraries, which simplifies the development process and enhances the developer’s productivity. Today, in this article, we will take a look at the top 10 Kotlin libraries that will remain indispensable in 2024. Let’s get started.

What is Kotlin?

Developed by JetBrains Kotlin is a modern programming language that was introduced in 2011 as an alternative to Java, targeting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It was initially launched to be used as a plugin in Android Studio. Later in May 2017, it was declared the official Android development language by Google. Kotlin is not limited to Android development but is also used in various software development domains, which include backend development, desktop application development, and data science and analytics.

The reason for introducing Kotlin was to address various lacking features in existing programming languages, particularly Java while maintaining seamless interoperability with Java. Nowadays, Kotlin has become the most popular among developers, and its community has increased on a large scale.

Top 10 Kotlin Libraries to Know in 2024

1. Ktor

Ktor is a powerful asynchronous framework that is used to build connected systems, which include web applications, HTTP services, and more. Ktor was developed by JetBrains, which is the same company that designed Kotlin itself, leveraging Kotlin’s concise and expressive syntax to provide a flexible framework for developing server-side applications.

Key Features

2. Coroutine

Coroutine has become an important part of Kotlin programming. A coroutine is a framework that is used to manage multiple threads asynchronously. It provides developers with a way to write asynchronous code sequentially. It simplifies asynchronous programming tasks such as making network requests, accessing databases, and long UI operations. With its concurrency mechanism, developers can write functions that can be paused and resumed when required.

Key Features

3. Room Database

Provided by the Jetpack Architecture Component, Room is a persistence database library. Room is nothing but an abstraction layer above the SQLite database, which is an open-source RDBMS. It simplifies the process of creating tables, along with database CRUD operations. With room, developers can easily migrate in case any changes in the database structure are required, such as adding a new column or changing the data type of a column.

Key Features

4. Koin

Koin is a lightweight dependency injection framework mainly designed for Android development. Unlike Dagger, developers can easily manage dependency injections across the application. Koin offers DSL (domain-specific language) to manage dependency and give support to Android and other platforms such as JVM and iOS.

Key Features

5. Ktor-http-client

Built on top of Ktor, ktor-http-client is a powerful HTTP client library. With the use of Ktor-http-client, developers can make fluent HTTP requests asynchronously, with the support of such things as request and response transformation and HTTP cookies.

Key Features

6. Exposed

Exposed is a lightweight SQL library for Kotlin, mainly used for database operations. The intent behind designing the Exposed library is to provide an API and leverage Kotlin features that offer a more concise and easy way to access the database. It uses DSL for defining the DB schema, query, and operation directly in the Kotlin code. Using these DSL methods, developers can write code that is concise and easily readable.

Key Features

Exposed leverages Kotlin’s type safety mechanism to ensure type safety within database queries. It makes use of Kotlin to represent database tables, columns, and results of queries.

7. Fuel

Fuel is a lightweight HTTP networking library for Kotlin and Android. Fuel is designed to simplify the process of making HTTP request calls and handling the response. It allows you to perform HTTP operations such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and more by using its concise and expressive APIs. Fuel gives developers the provision to make asynchronous or synchronous request calls. The support of customization allows developers to add custom features, interceptors, serializers, and authentication mechanisms.

Key Features

8. Arrow

Inspired by Haskell’s standard libraries, Arrow is a library for functional programming in Kotlin that provides a set of data types and type classes. It enables developers to use functional programming patterns like monads, functors, and applicatives in Kotlin. For concurrency and asynchronous programming, Arrow provides type-sabe abstractions, including data types IO and DeferredK.

Key Features

9. Retrofit

Retrofit is the most popular and widely used type-safe HTTP client library for Android and Java, developed by Square. Retrofit simplifies the process of making HTTP requests and reduces the boilerplate code required for making HTTP calls. Retrofit automatically converts responses received from the server into Kotlin or Java classes. Using Interceptor, a developer can intercept and modify HTTP requests and responses. Retrofit provides constants that developers can use to print requests and responses in the console log.

Key Features

10. MockK

MockK is a mocking library that provides DSL for creating stubs and mocks while writing unit test cases. It offers a concise syntax for defining mock behavior and allows seamless integration with the most popular frameworks, such as JUnit and Spek. For defining mock behavior and expressions, MockK uses Kotlin DSL. This DSL leverages Kotlin’s syntax features, such as lambda expressions, extension functions, and infix functions, to provide a concise API for working with mock objects.

Key Features


The above-listed libraries cover a range of use cases and requirements for Kotlin development, from mobile development to web and backend services, from dependency injections to mocking classes and objects. Considering these libraries used in our project helps to increase code quality and productivity. As Kotlin’s popularity continues to gain, these libraries are likely to remain essential for Kotlin developers in the year 2024 and beyond.

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