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jQuery | slideDown() Method

The slideDown() Method in jQuery is used to check the visibility of selected elements or to show the hidden elements. It works on two types of hidden elements:


$(selector).slideDown( speed, easing, callback )

Parameters: This method accepts three parameters as mentioned above and described below:

Below example illustrates the slideDown() method in jQuery: 

Example: This example display the hidden element by using slideDown() method. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        jQuery slideDown() Method
    <script src=
    <!-- Script to illustrate slideDown() method -->
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $(".geek").click(function() {
    <!-- hide element using CSS -->
    <h1 style = "display:none" >
    <button class="geek">
        Click on button to slide down

Output: Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button:


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