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Join List With Separator in Python

In this article, we will explore different approaches to Join List with Separator in Python.

Join a List With Separator in Python

Below are the possible approaches to joining a list with a separator in Python:

Join List With Separator Using str.join() method

The below approach code uses the str.join() method. It directly joins the elements of the List with the specified separator. here we took the “,” as a string in the variable ‘separator‘. Then we join these elements and converting into strings using the ‘.join’ function and it takes the list as a parameter.

# List Data
my_list = ["GFG", "Java", "DSA"]
# Taking ',' as a separator
separator = ", "
# Using Join function to Convert list into string
joined_string1 = separator.join(my_list)
print("Before Joining: ", my_list)
print("After Joining: ", joined_string1)


Before Joining:  ['GFG', 'Java', 'DSA']
After Joining:  GFG, Java, DSA

Join List With Separator Using map() and str.join()

The below approach code uses the map() function to convert each list element into a string and then joins them using the str.join() function. The map function takes two parameters. The 1st one is the data type in which the list elements will be converted and 2nd one is the given list.

# List Data
my_list = ["GFG", "Java", "DSA"]
# Taking ',' as a separator
separator = ", "
# Converting list elements to string using map then joining them
joined_string2 = separator.join(map(str, my_list))
print("Before Joining: ", my_list)
print("After Joining: ", joined_string2)

Before Joining:  ['GFG', 'Java', 'DSA']
After Joining:  GFG, Java, DSA

Join List With Separator Using reduce() from the functools module

The reduce() function is used to apply a particular function passed in its argument to all of the list elements mentioned in the sequence passed along. This function is defined in the “functools” module. In this case, the lambda function combines each element with the separator and the previous element. The reduce method takes two arguments, 1st one is the lambda function and 2nd one is the list.

from functools import reduce
# List Data
my_list = ["GFG", "Java", "DSA"]
# Taking ',' as a separator
separator = ", "
# Applying Lambda function in reduce method
joined_string3 = reduce(lambda x, y: x + separator + y, my_list)
print("Before Joining: ", my_list)
print("After Joining: ", joined_string3)

Before Joining:  ['GFG', 'Java', 'DSA']
After Joining:  GFG, Java, DSA

Join List With Separator Using str.join() with a generator expression

The below approach code uses a generator expression to create an iterable of strings from the list of elements. The str.join() method then joins these strings with the ‘,’. Generator expressions are memory-efficient and can be more readable than traditional loops.

# List Data
my_list = ["GFG", "Java", "DSA"]
# Taking ',' as a separator
separator = ", "
# Using generator function to iterate every element and then joining them
joined_string4 = separator.join(item for item in my_list)
print("Before Joining: ", my_list)
print("After Joining: ", joined_string4)

Before Joining:  ['GFG', 'Java', 'DSA']
After Joining:  GFG, Java, DSA


In conclusion, joining a list with a separator in Python can be achieved through various approaches. The str.join() method is a straightforward and commonly used method for this purpose. Additionally, using map() and str.join() provides a functional approach, while reduce() from the functools module offers a more generalized reduction operation. Using str.join() with a generator expression combines readability and memory efficiency. Choose the approach that best suits your coding style and requirements.

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