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JavaScript Symbol split Property

JavaScript Symbol split property is used to specify the method that splits a string at the indices that match a regular expression. This property is called by the String.split() method.



Property attributes: It accepts a “String” which is not Writable, Enumerable, and Configurable.

Return value: It returns a string that is split from the given expression.

Below examples illustrate the Symbol split property in JavaScript:

Example 1: In this example, we will split the string and add (“”) in it.

class Split1 {
    constructor(value) {
            this.value = value;
        [Symbol.split](string) {
            const index = string.indexOf(this.value);
            return "'" + string.substr(0, index) + "' '" +
                this.value + "' '" + string.substr(index + this.value.length) + "'";
console.log('GeeksforGeeks'.split(new Split1('for')));
console.log('Geeks1Geeks2Geeks3Geeks4'.split(new Split1('Geeks')));


"'Geeks' 'for' 'Geeks'"
"'' 'Geeks' '1Geeks2Geeks3Geeks4'"

Example 2: In this example, we will split the string and add (_) in it.

class Split1 {
    constructor(value) {
            this.value = value;
        [Symbol.split](string) {
            const index = string.indexOf(this.value);
            return "_" + string.substr(0, index) + "__" +
                this.value + "__" + string.substr(index + this.value.length) + "_";
console.log('GeeksforGeeks'.split(new Split1('for')));
console.log('Computer Science Portal'.split(new Split1(' ')));


_Computer__ __Science Portal_

Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by JavaScript Symbol split property are listed below:

We have a complete list of Javascript symbols’ properties and methods, to check those please go through the Javascript Symbol Complete Reference article.

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