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Replace multiple strings with multiple other strings in JavaScript

In this article, we are given a Sentence having multiple strings. The task is to replace multiple strings with new strings simultaneously instead of doing it one by one, using JavaScript.

Below are a few methods to understand:

Method 1: Using JavaScript replace() method

This method searches a string for a defined value, or a regular expression, and returns a new string with the replaced defined value. 


string.replace(searchVal, newvalue);

Example: This example uses the RegExp to replace the strings according to the object using the replace() method.

let str = "I have a Lenovo Laptop, a Honor Phone, and a Samsung Tab.";
let Obj = {
    Lenovo: "Dell",
    Honor: "OnePlus",
    Samsung: "Lenovo"
function GFG_Fun() {
    console.log(str.replace(/Lenovo|Honor|Samsung/gi, function (matched) {
        return Obj[matched];

I have a Dell Laptop, a OnePlus Phone, and a Lenovo Tab.

Method 2: Using the JavaScript str.replaceAll() method

In this example, we will see the use of the JavaScript str.replaceAll() method for replacing multiple strings.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained appraoch.

const str = 'who.where_when-how';
const result = str
    .replaceAll('.', '?')
    .replaceAll('_', '?')
    .replaceAll('-', '?');


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