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JavaScript Program to Find the Length of Longest Balanced Subsequence

In this article, we are going to learn about the Length of the Longest Balanced Subsequence in JavaScript. The Length of the Longest Balanced Subsequence refers to the maximum number of characters in a string sequence that can form a valid balanced expression, consisting of matching opening and closing brackets.


Input : S = "()())"
Output : 4
()() is the longest balanced subsequence 
of length 4.
Input : s = "()(((((()"
Output : 4

We will explore all the above methods along with their basic implementation with the help of examples.

Approach 1: Using a stack with for ..of loop

In this approach, we are using a stack to find the length of the longest balanced subsequence in a string. It iterates through the string uses a stack to track opening parentheses and calculates the length of balanced subsequences.

Example: In this example, The balancedSubsequence function uses a stack to track open parenthesis positions in the string s. It calculates the length of the longest balanced subsequence and returns it.

function balancedSubsequence(s) {
    const stack = [];
    let maxmimum = 0;
    let currentIndex = -1;

    for (const char of s) {

        char === '(' ? stack.push(currentIndex) :
            char === ')' && stack.length > 0 ? (
                maxmimum = Math.max(maxmimum, currentIndex -
                    (stack.length > 0
                        ? stack[stack.length - 1] : -1))
            ) : null;

    return maxmimum;

const input = "(()())";


Approach 2: Using Simple Counting

In this approach, we follow simple approach to find the length of the longest balanced subsequence in a string. It counts open and unmatched closing parentheses to determine the maximum length of a valid subsequence.

Example: In this example, the balancedSubsequence function counts valid open and close parentheses in a string s of length n while ignoring invalid close parentheses with no matching open parentheses. It returns the length of the longest balanced subsequence.

function balancedSubsequence(s, n) {
    let invalidOpenBraces = 0;
    let invalidCloseBraces = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (s[i] == '(') {
        } else {
            if (invalidOpenBraces == 0) {
            } else {
    return n - (invalidOpenBraces + invalidCloseBraces);

let s = "()(((((()";
let n = s.length;
console.log(balancedSubsequence(s, n));


Approach 3: Using Two Pointers

In the Two Pointers approach, initialize two pointers at the start of the string. Increment the second pointer until encountering a closing bracket. Move the first pointer to the next character after the opening bracket. Keep track of the longest balanced subsequence encountered.

Example: This example The function longestBalancedSubsequence iterates through the string, incrementing a counter for each '(' and decrementing it for each ')'. It returns the length of the longest balanced subsequence found.

function longestBalancedSubsequence(s) {
    let maxLength = 0;
    let balance = 0;

    for (const char of s) {
        if (char === '(') {
        } else if (char === ')' && balance > 0) {
            maxLength += 2;

    return maxLength;

const input = "(()())";

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