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JavaScript Program to Check if all Bits can be made Same by Single Flip

In this article, we will explore how to determine if it’s possible to make all bits the same in a binary string by performing a single flip operation. We will cover various approaches to implement this in JavaScript and provide code examples for each approach.


Input: 1101
Output: Yes
Explanation: In 1101, the 0 can be flipped  to make it all 1
Input: 11
Output: No
Explanation: No matter whichever digit you 
           flip, you will not get the desired string.
Input: 1
Output: Yes
Explanation: We can flip 1, to make all 0's

Approach 1: Counting 0’s and 1’s

To check if all bits can be made the same by a single flip in JavaScript, you can follow these steps:


for (statement 1 ; statement 2 ; statement 3){
    code here...

Example: Below is the implementation of the above approach

function canMakeAllBitsSameBySingleFlip(binaryString) {
    let countZeros = 0;
    let countOnes = 0;
    for (let i = 0;
        i < binaryString.length;
        i++) {
        if (binaryString[i] === '0') {
        } else if (binaryString[i] === '1') {
        } else {
            // If the input contains non-binary 
            // characters, return false
            return false;
    // Check if it's possible to make 
    // all bits the same by a single flip
    return countZeros === 1 || countOnes === 1;
// True, because you can flip one 
// '0' to '1' to make all bits the same.
const binaryString1 = "1101";
// False, because you can flip one '1' to '0' .
const binaryString2 = "11";
// False, because it contains a non-binary character.
const binaryString3 = "1010a";


Time complexity: O(n) where n is the length of the string.

Approach 2: XOR Operation in JavaScript

Here we uses the XOR (exclusive OR) operation, is a bit manipulation technique to determine if it’s possible to make all bits in a binary string the same by a single flip. Let’s break down how this approach works:



Example: Below is the implementation of the above approach

function Approach2(binaryString) {
    // Check for invalid characters
    if (/[^01]/.test(binaryString)) {
        console.log(`"${binaryString}" -> false`);
        return false;
    let xorResult = 0;
    let hasOne = false;
    let hasZero = false;
    for (let i = 0;
        i < binaryString.length;
        i++) {
        if (binaryString[i] === '1') {
            xorResult ^= 1;
            hasOne = true;
        } else
            if (binaryString[i] === '0') {
                xorResult ^= 0;
                hasZero = true;
/*  If xorResult is 0 or 1 and 
       both '0' and '1' are present, 
    it's possible to make all bits 
    the same by a single flip 
    const result =
        (xorResult <= 1) &&
        (hasOne && hasZero);
    console.log(`"${binaryString}" -> ${result}`);
    return result;
// Example usage:
const binaryString1 = "1101";
const binaryString2 = "11";
const binaryString3 = "111";
const binaryString4 = "1010a1";
Approach2(binaryString1); // true
Approach2(binaryString2); // false
Approach2(binaryString3); // false
Approach2(binaryString4); // false

"1101" -> true
"11" -> false
"111" -> false
"1010a1" -> false

Time complexity: O(n) where n is the length of the string.

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