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JavaScript Program for Converting given Time to Words

This article will show you how to convert the given time into words in JavaScript. The given time will be in 12-hour format (hh: mm), where 0 < hh < 12, and 0 <= mm < 60.


Input : hh = 6, mm = 20
Output : Six Hour, Twenty Minutes
Input : hh = 8, mm = 24
Output : Eight Hour, Twenty Four Minutes


Example: Below is the implementation of the approach

// JavaScript Program to Convert Given Time into Words
function printWords(hh, mm) {
    let words = [
        "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five",
        "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
        "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen",
        "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen",
        "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen",
        "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty"
    let minutes;
    if (mm < 20) {
        minutes = words[mm - 1];
    } else {
        minutes = words[(17 + Math.floor(mm / 10))]
            + " " + words[(mm % 10) - 1];
    console.log(words[hh - 1] + " Hours, "
        + minutes + " Minutes");
let hh = 07;
let mm = 22;
printWords(hh, mm);

Seven Hours, Twenty Two Minutes
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