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JavaScript Date setFullYear() Method

JavaScript date.setFullYear() method is used to set year into a date object which is created using Date() constructor. 



Parameter: This method accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

Return Value: It returns the new date with the updated year which is set by the setFullYear() method.

Below examples illustrate the JavaScript Date setFullYear() Method:

Note: DateObj is a valid Date object created using Date() constructor in which we want to set the year. More codes for the above method are as follows:

Example 1: 

// Here a date has been assigned
// while creating Date object
let dateobj =
new Date('October 13, 1996 05:35:32');
// New year 1992 is being set in above Date
// Object with the help of setFullYear() method
// New year from above Date Object is
// being extracted using getFullYear()
let B = dateobj.getFullYear();
// Printing new year



 Example 2: If in the Date() constructor we do not give any year, still setFullYear() method set a new year which is given as its parameter. 

// Here year has not been assigned
// while creating Date object
let dateobj =
new Date('October 13, 05:35:32');
// new year 1992 is being set in above Date
// Object with the help of setFullYear() method
// New year from above Date Object is
// being extracted using getFullYear()
let B = dateobj.getFullYear();
// Printing new year



Example 3: If nothing as a parameter is given in the Date() constructor, still setFullYear() method set year but month and date become current ones. Here in output 2 is the month of March because the month name starts from 0 to 11 i.e, 0 for January and 11 for December, and 30 is the current date. 

// Here nothing has been assigned
// while creating Date object
let dateobj = new Date();
// new year 2007 is being set in above Date
// Object with the help of setFullYear() method
// Year from above Date Object is
// being extracted using getFullYear()
let B = dateobj.getFullYear();
// Month from above Date Object is
// being extracted using getMonth()
let C = dateobj.getMonth();
// Date from above Date Object is
// being extracted using getDate()
let D = dateobj.getDate();
// Printing new year
// Printing current month
// Printing current date



Supported Browsers:

We have a complete list of Javascript Date Objects, to check those please go through this Javascript Date Object Complete reference article.

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