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JavaScript dataView.setBigInt64() Method

This setBigInt64() method in Javascript is used to store a signed 64-bit integer (long long) value at the particular byte offset from the start of the DataView.


dataview.setBigInt64(byteOffset, val [, littleEndian])

Parameters: This method accepts three parameters.

Return Value: This function does not return anything.

Example 1: In this example, the value set is 7 at offset 0.

    var buffr = new ArrayBuffer(8);
    var dView = new DataView(buffr);
    dView.setBigInt64(0, 7n);



Example 2: In this example, the value set is 789 at offset 4.

    // create an ArrayBuffer with a size in bytes
    const buffr = new ArrayBuffer(16);
    // constant value to set
    const val = 789n;
    const dView = new DataView(buffr);
    dView.setBigInt64(4, val);



We have a complete list of Javascript Boolean and Dataview Methods, to check those please go through Javascript Boolean and DataView Complete Reference article.

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