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JavaFX | TextFlow Class

TextFlow class is a part of JavaFX. TextFlow class is designed to lay out rich text. It can be used to layout several Text nodes in a single text flow. TextFlow class extends Pane class.

Constructors of the class:

  1. TextFlow(): Create a new textflow object.
  2. TextFlow(Node… c): Create a new textflow object with specified nodes.

Commonly Used Methods:

Method Explanation
getLineSpacing() Returns the line spacing of the text flow
getTextAlignment() Returns the text alignment of the text flow
setLineSpacing(double s) Set line spacing of the text flow .
setTextAlignment(TextAlignment v) Sets the text alignment of the text flow.

Below programs illustrate the use of TextFlow class:

  1. Java program to create a TextFlow and add text object to it: In this program we will create a TextFlow named text_flow and two Text named text_1 and text_2. Set the fill and font using setFill() and setFont(). We will add the text to the text_flow using the getChildren().add() function. Add the text_flow to the scene and scene to the stage. Call the show() function to display the final results.

    // Java program to create a TextFlow and 
    // add text object to it .
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
    import javafx.scene.paint.*;
    import javafx.scene.text.*;
    import javafx.scene.web.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.*;
    public class TextFlow_0 extends Application {
        // launch the application
        public void start(Stage stage)
            try {
                // set title for the stage
                // create TextFlow
                TextFlow text_flow = new TextFlow();
                // create text
                Text text_1 = new Text("GeeksforGeeks\n");
                // set the text color
                // set font of the text
                text_1.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", 25));
                // create text
                Text text_2 = new Text("The computer science portal for geeks");
                // set the text color
                // set font of the text
                text_2.setFont(Font.font("Helvetica", FontPosture.ITALIC, 15));
                // add text to textflow
                // create a scene
                Scene scene = new Scene(text_flow, 400, 300);
                // set the scene
            catch (Exception e) {
        // Main Method
        public static void main(String args[])
            // launch the application


  2. Java program to create a TextFlow and add text object to it, set text Alignment and set line spacing of the text flow: In this program we will create a TextFlow named text_flow and two Text named text_1 and text_2. Set the fill and font using setFill() and setFont(). Set TextAlignment using setTextAlignment() and set the line spacing using the setLineSpacing() function. Add the text to the text_flow using the getChildren().add() function. Add the text_flow to the Vbox. Add the vbox scene and the scene to the stage. Call the show() function to display the final results.

    // Java program to create a TextFlow and 
    // add text object to it, set text Alignment
    // and set line spacing of the text flow.
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.scene.paint.*;
    import javafx.scene.text.*;
    import javafx.geometry.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.*;
    public class TextFlow_1 extends Application {
        // launch the application
        public void start(Stage stage)
            try {
                // set title for the stage
                // create TextFlow
                TextFlow text_flow = new TextFlow();
                // create text
                Text text_1 = new Text("GeeksforGeeks\n");
                // set the text color
                // set font of the text
                text_1.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", 25));
                // create text
                Text text_2 = new Text("The computer science portal for geeks");
                // set the text color
                // set font of the text
                text_2.setFont(Font.font("Helvetica", FontPosture.ITALIC, 15));
                // add text to textflow
                // set text Alignment
                // set line spacing
                // create VBox
                VBox vbox = new VBox(text_flow);
                // set alignment of vbox
                // create a scene
                Scene scene = new Scene(vbox, 400, 300);
                // set the scene
            catch (Exception e) {
        // Main Method
        public static void main(String args[])
            // launch the application


Note: The above programs might not run in an online IDE please use an offline compiler.


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