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Java Program to Traverse in a Directory

A directory is an organizational file system structure that contains Files and Directorates. Even an attacker can try to traverse or access a folder which we name as ‘File Traversal Attack or Path Traversal Attack a different directory. In short here the directory is traversed which is outside the home/root directory. These files are server-internal files that are not accessible by the user. 

Traversal Attacks

The prerequisites required are listFiles() and considering there are no path traversal attacks.

Different Ways to traverse in a Directory

  1. Using listFiles() Method of File class
  2. Using walk() method in Java 8 and onwards

Method 1: Using listFiles() Method of File class

Suppose there exists a directory with path C:\\GFG. The following image displays the files and directories present inside GFG folder. The subdirectory “Ritik” contains a file named “Logistics.xlsx” and the subdirectory “Rohan” contains a file named “Payments.xlsx”

GFG Directory


  1. Create a File array to store the name and path of files.
  2. Call displayFiles method() to display all the files.


// Java Program to Traverse Through a Directory
// Importing required classes
// Main class
class GFG {
    // Method 1
    // To display files
    public static void displayFiles(File[] files)
        // Traversing through the files array
        for (File filename : files) {
            // If a sub directory is found,
            // print the name of the sub directory
            if (filename.isDirectory()) {
                System.out.println("Directory: "
                                   + filename.getName());
                // and call the displayFiles function
                // recursively to list files present
                // in sub directory
            // Printing the file name present in given path
            else {
                // Getting the file name
                System.out.println("File: "
                                   + filename.getName());
    // Method 2
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Storing the name of files and directories
        // in an array of File type
        File[] files = new File("C:\\GFG").listFiles();
        // Calling method 1 to
        // display files


File: article.docx
File: GFG.txt
File: numbers.txt
Directory: Ritik
File: Logistics.xlsx
Directory: Rohan
File: Payments.xlsx

Method 2: Using walk() method in Java 8 and onwards 

Java 8 onwards, the walk() method was introduced to iterate over the entire directory recursively and retrieve Stream<Path> as the return value.


  1. Create a stream of file paths.
  2. Print entire directory and file path.
  3. Throw Exception if no such directory exists as provided in the path.


// Java Program to Display Files with
// Complete Path Present in a Directory
// Importing required classes
import java.nio.file.*;
// Main class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException
        // Creating try-catch block and
        // providing the directory path of local machine
        try (Stream<Path> filepath
             = Files.walk(Paths.get("c:\\GFG")))
            // Printing the name of directories and files
            // with entire path
        // Catch block to handle exceptions
        catch (IOException e) {
            // If no such directory exists throw an
            // exception
            throw new IOException("Directory Not Present!");



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