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Java Program to Show Shallow Cloning and Deep Cloning

The default version of the clone method creates a shallow copy of an object. In java being object-oriented, object copying is creating a copy of the existing object, so the object copied can be a similar copy of the exact copy of the object of which it is copied. There are 2 ways to copy an object as follows:

In C/C++ there

Methods of Copying

Now, copying can be of three types as follows:

  1. Shallow copy
  2. Deep copy
  3. Cloning

Generally, deep copy and cloning is referred to as the same deep cloning as the difference between them is a thin line where focus is laid to ease for copying objects manually using the clone() method.

1. Shallow Copy/ Cloning

Illustration: Shallow copying object ‘t2’

class GFG 
  int i,j;
main(String[] args) 
  // Copying
  GFG object1 = new GFG() ; 
  object.i = 5;
  object.j = 6;
  GFG object2 = object1 ;    // shallow copying object

 Example 1

// Java Program to show shallow cloning
// Importing java input/output classes
// Class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // t1 and t2 objects are used to
        // illustrate shallow copy
        // t1 is first object created in heap memory
        GFG t1 = new GFG();
        // Creating only one object(t1) and
        // both objects (t1,t2) are pointing to only one
        // object
        GFG t2 = t1;
      // Display message
        // return true if reference is same that is shallow copy
        // false if different
        // Should be returning - true
                "Output: False if Deepcopy & True if shallow : ");
                System.out.println(t1 == t2);


Output: False if Deepcopy & True if shallow : true


Output explanation:


  1. As seen above there were two reference variables t1, t2. Whenever the object of GFG class is created the t1 (reference variable) is pointing to one object.
  2. Afterward, assigning the t1 reference variable into the new reference variable t2 of the same class pointing to the same object in heap memory. Both t1 and t2 reference variables are pointing to only one object.
  3. It does not create a new duplicate object. The above two statements prove that both t1 and t2 reference variables are point only one object.


2. Deep copy/ cloning is the process of creating exactly the independent duplicate objects in the heap memory and manually assigning the values of the second object where values are supposed to be copied is called deep cloning.


GFG object1 = new GFG() ; || Creating object of GFG class
object.i = 5;
object.j = 6;
GFG object2 = new GFG;    || Creating another object class
object2.i = object1.i ;   || Deep copying 
object2.j = object1.j ;   || Deep copying

Note: In can not directly call clone() method using object.clone() as clone method in Object class of java is protected. So override the function by making access modifier as public in return super.clone() from the class created to override 


Example 2          


// Java Program to show Deep Cloning
// Importing java input/output libraries
// Class
public class GFG implements Cloneable {
  // Defining a method as clone method is protected
  // Defining within the class called cloneable interface
  public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
  return (GFG)super.clone();
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException
        // Creating first object of GFG class
        GFG t1 = new GFG();
        // Using clone()  method to create duplicate object
        // of t1 reference variable
        // else for every object manually object needs
        // to be copied in deep copying
        // clone() ease this manual effort
        GFG t2 = (GFG)t1.clone();
        // Comparing two objects just after deep copying
        // Returning true for shallow(by default) copying
        // Returning false for deep copying
        System.out.println(t1 == t2);


Output explanation:

  1. Here, there are two reference variables t1, t2. When the object of GFG class is created, the t1 (reference variable) is pointing to one object.
  2. Afterward, t1 is assigned as a reference variable and calls clone() method into a new reference variable t2 of the same class. Both t1 and t2 reference variables are pointing to different objects. Here t2 has created a new duplicate object and t1 also.
  3. The above two statements prove that both t1 and t2 reference variable are point difference object if t1 point to O1 object than t2 point to O2 object.

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