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Java JDK 21: New Features of Java 21

Hey, Java enthusiasts and learners! Java is the most trending language in the world, which attracts the population or you can say Java techies towards its simplicity and its super features with vast functionalities. So to make the development more interesting for Java developers, Java is again here with its evolving new features and functionalities. Imagine if we never updated our gadgets, we’d still have big old phones, heavy computers with fewer functions, as well as slow web connections.

So, just like we updated our devices, Java also needs to be updated for a better experience by adding more and more features making it more vast. Java is known for its platform independence, portability, and its robustness, here Java once again rolled out a new version of JDK 21. Now, if you’re imagining the complicated terms and complex explanations, worry not! In this article, we’re going to explore Java 21 in the simplest way possible, you will get a clarification in an easier way for both beginners and seasoned coders to understand well.

What is JDK?

The JDK stands for ‘Java Development Kit’, which is like a toolkit or a package full of tools for people who want to create Java applications. JDK provides tools, utilities, and libraries to develop, compile, debug whenever it’s needed and run the Java applications and applets. For example: A developer starts with writing a Java source code, then the developer executes the code whereas the JDK compiles code into the bytecode, and then finally executes it on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Basically, at the core of JDK is the Java compiler that is ‘javac’ as when you write a program it’s human-readable known as source code, the ‘javac’ compiler translates the source code into the bytecode, and the ‘.class’ file is created, then it runs on JVM which interpret of compiles your translated bytecode at runtime.

Beyond the compiler and JVM, the JDK comes with a variety of tools to aid in the Java development process. This includes the debugger ‘jdb’ to fix the errors, and the ‘.jar’ is created, it’s the executable file of Java that bundles the different Java files together into one package for easy sharing and use. Just like you zip multiple documents into one folder, jar does that for Java files. JDK holds the entire environment for developing robots and portable Java applications. So, let’s jump in and discover what JDK 21 holds the new features in.

Top New Features of Java 21

Java has made coding much easier for Java techies. If you’re excited about learning the latest in Java, this is a great time to jump in. Whether you’ve been using Java for a while or are just starting out, let’s explore what Java 21 is what it has to offer and see how it can make coding even more awesome and enjoyable for you.

1. Language Feature

 // Before Java 21
“Hello” + name + “, welcome to the GeeksForGeeks!”
// After Java 21
‘Hello {your actual variable value} welcome to the GeeksForGeeks!’

2. Libraries Improvements

3. Performance Improvements

4. Tools Improvements

System.Logger logger = System.getLogger("java.lang.ProcessBuilder");

Let’s say you want to run a simple ping command for testing using the ‘ProcessBuilder’.

ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();
processBuilder.command("ping", "");

Once you run the process, the specified details would automatically be logged based on the logger’s level. If the logger level is set to DEBUG or TRACE, the details will be recorded accordingly.

logger.log(System.Logger.Level.TRACE, "Starting process...");
Process process = processBuilder.start();

5. Java Emoji Support Tools

boolean isEmojiChar = Character.isEmoji('????');

(This would return true, indicating that ‘????’ is an emoji.)

boolean canHaveModifier = Character.isEmojiModifierBase('✋');

( Determines if the given code point can have an emoji modifier applied to it. For instance, the hand emoji can have different skin tones applied.)

6. Enhanced Lifecycle Management with HttpClient

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
// ... use the client for various tasks

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
// ... maybe after some operations

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
// For instant shutdown, without waiting:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
if (client.awaitTermination(Duration.ofMinutes(1))) {
    System.out.println("Client terminated successfully.");
} else {
    System.out.println("Client termination took longer than expected.");

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
// ... after some time
if (client.isTerminated()) {
    System.out.println("Client has terminated.");

7. Enhanced Repeated Appending in StringBuilder and StringBuffer

StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
sb1.repeat(42, 10);  // Appends "**********" to sb1

StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
sb2.repeat("-=", 20);  // Appends "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=" to sb2

8. Advancing Java collections with Sequenced Interface

Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<>();
deque.addFirst("JDK 17");
deque.addLast("JDK 21");
String front = deque.getFirst();  // "JDK 17"
String back = deque.getLast();    // "JDK 21"

List<String> events = Arrays.asList("Event1", "Event2", "Event3");
ListIterator<String> reverseIterator = events.listIterator(events.size());
while (reverseIterator.hasPrevious()) {

However, these changes come with compatibility concerns that developers should be aware of when integrating the new features. As of the JDK 21 has refined the collections framework by making sequenced collections more intuitive and powerful.

Why is There a Need For New Features?

  1. To add new features in Java is, as the software changes, developers face new problems. Here the Java community is adding new features based on feedback to make modern coding easier which will also help the developers to build more effective Java applications.
  2. It will improve the performance of Java platforms to make Java applications run faster, use less memory, or be more responsive.
  3. New features or updates are essential to patch known vulnerabilities and to improve the overall security framework of the platform.
  4. Java has a robust community and, since it’s open-source, where many developers contribute to its growth. As of adding the new features often results in many people suggesting and adding new features through something called Java Enhancement Proposals (JEPs).
  5. As the Java 21 environment has developed with such new tools, platforms, and services. So, the new features can enhance interoperability with other technologies as well.
  6. As a lot of new features are added to the JDK 21, and old ones that are no longer efficient or relevant gets deprecated. So, by adding new features ensures that developers have better alternatives to these deprecated features.
  7. New features can help in making different parts of the language work together in a more predictable and consistent way.
  8. By introducing new libraries, tools, or syntax, developers can write code more efficiently, leading to reduced development time and potential errors.


If you are a Java techie, then the thrust for Java will never be over. As Java developers always want to enhance their Java application with more functionalities. So, with Java’s new version, JDK 21, shows how Java keeps improving. It’s holding new things for both beginners as well as for experts, making coding enjoyable and faster. Java keeps updating to remain a favourite for Java geeks. You’re waiting for wait? Check out JDK 21 and see the cool updates Java has brought this time!

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