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Introduction to packages and modules in npm

The Node Package Manager (npm) serves as a tool for the JavaScript programming language functioning both as a command line utility and package manager. It is the choice for managing dependencies and sharing packages within the NodeJS environment. The public npm registry acts as a centralized platform where developers can upload, discover, and incorporate packages (such, as libraries or modules) into their projects.

Understanding the Public npm Registry

The vast npm library offers an array of open-source packages. It’s like a collection of resources where you can discover ready-made solutions for various web development needs intricate data handling issues, testing utilities, and beyond. Leveraging these packages, from the library significantly speeds up the development process.

The public npm registry goes beyond being a storage place for code; it’s like a lively community hub that encourages sharing knowledge and sparking new ideas. Imagine it as a library filled with ready-made solutions, for all kinds of situations. Developers use the registry to save time and energy by incorporating existing features rather than starting from scratch for typical coding projects.

Packages vs. Modules: The Building Blocks of npm

Package Scopes: Organizing Your Packages

Scopes provide a way to namespace your packages. They’re particularly important for larger projects or those developed within organizations.

Public vs. Private Packages: Controlling Access

Public Packages: The Heart of Open-Source

Private packages necessitate a paid npm membership. Are designed for code that requires privacy. Companies frequently utilize them for software or, in the initial stages of internal project development.

Scope, Access Level, and Visibility: Explained







Access Level

Always Public

Public / Private


Public Registry

Public / Private





npm publish

npm publish

Publishing (public scoped)

Not applicable

npm publish –access public



npm install express

npm list

npm update express

const express = require('express');

const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello, world!');

app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is listening on port 3000');

import Button from '@mui/material/Button';

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