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Introduction to Handsontable.js

What is handsontable.js ?

Handsontable.js is a JavaScript data-grid component that can be used to build excel like web apps. Its basically a JavaScript library. One good thing about handsontable.js is that you can use it with vanilla JavaScript or React or Vue or Angular.


You have two options to work with handsontable.js. You can either install by npm or you can use CDN. To install handsontable you need to run the following command on your node terminal:

npm install handsontable

If you have yarn instead of node then you have to run the following command:

yarn add handsontable

After installing it you have to include the below code in your html file:

<script src=”node_modules/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.min.js”></script>
<link href=”node_modules/handsontable/dist/handsontable.full.min.css” rel=”stylesheet” media=”screen”>

As an alternative you can use CDN. In that case embed the following code in the html file. There is no need of installation:

<script src=””></script>
<link href=””
rel=”stylesheet” media=”screen”>

How to  use handsontable.js ?

Building a basic spreadsheet is quite easy. Follow  these steps to build a basic data-grid –


As shown in the above image, we have build  an excel like spread sheet. Similar to excel, you can change the data of each column. This a basic data grid. However, you can customize it by adding lot of features.

For example, If we want to add headers with several options , we can do it easily by adding additional key-value pairs to the object –

let hot = new Handsontable(container, {
    data: data,
    // Added additional features
    // For adding headers on each row
    rowHeaders: true,
    // For adding headers on each column
    colHeaders: true
    // For adding dropdown menu to each headers
    dropdownMenu: true,


If you want to give custom names to headers instead of A, B, C, D… you can do it by giving colHeaders attribute an array instead of true

let hot = new Handsontable(container,{
    data: data,

    rowHeaders: true, 

    // For giving custom names to headers
    colHeaders: ['roll', 'name', 'stream', 'semester', 'email'],
    dropdownMenu: true,

    // To add filter feature in table
    filters: true,

And then omit the first element of the data array –

const data = [

    // The first array element deleted
    [5,'Haris ali','IT',6,''],


This article shows the basic of Handsontable. However handsontable.js has many other features than this. You can define functions to specific columns or cells, export it to excel, merge multiple rows or columns etc. Possibilities are endless! See the docs here to explore it.

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