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Introduction of 3-Tier Architecture in DBMS – Set 2

The 3-tier architecture is a commonly used architectural approach in Database Management Systems (DBMSs) for the design and development of applications that work with databases. The 3-tier architecture divides an application’s components into three tiers or layers. Each layer has its own set of responsibilities.

DBMS 3-Tier architecture divides the complete system into three inter-related but independent modules as shown below:

DBMS 3-tier architecture

Data Independence

Data independence means a change of data at one level should not affect another level. Two types of data independence are present in this architecture:

Phases of Database Design

Database designing for a real-world application starts from capturing the requirements to physical implementation using DBMS software which consists of following steps shown below:

DBMS Phases

Advantages of DBMS

 DBMS helps in efficient organization of data in database which has following advantages over typical file system:

Also see

3 Tier Schema Architecture in DBMS

In DBMS, the 3-tier architecture is a client-server architecture that separates the user interface, application processing, and data management into three distinct tiers or layers. The 3-tier architecture is widely used in modern web applications and enterprise systems because it offers scalability, flexibility, and security. Here is a brief description of each tier in the 3-tier architecture:

3rd tier Architecture

Benefits of 3-Tier Architecture

The 3-tier architecture in DBMS provides several benefits, including:

Overall, the 3-tier architecture in DBMS is a flexible, scalable, and secure approach to building modern web applications and enterprise systems. It separates the user interface, application processing, and data management into distinct layers, providing clear boundaries between each layer and improving system performance, reliability, and maintainability.


In conclusion, a Database Management System (DBMS) employs the 3-Tier Architecture, a tried-and-true structure that separates an application into three main layers: Presentation, Application Logic, and Data. This architectural technique is increasingly popular for creating dependable and maintainable software systems that communicate with databases because it improves the modularity, scalability, security, reusability, and flexibility of applications.

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