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Introduction and Installation process of Gulp

Gulp can be defined as a task runner or a toolkit for automating time-consuming tasks such as magnification, concatenation, cache busting, unit testing and linting in web development. It uses Node.js as a platform and utilizes JavaScript code to help in running front-end tasks and large-scale web applications. These tasks can be run on PowerShell, Bash Scripts or other terminal applications using command lines.

Gulp differs from other task runners because it passes data stream from one plugin to another without creating a temporary file on the disk. The tasks return a modified stream of data. Gulp is a function-oriented framework with a direct Application Programming Interface that can modify data more efficiently and chain commands together. Furthermore, Gulp prefers code over configuration that makes tasks more manageable.

 Advantages :  

Disadvantages :  

Plugins :  Gulp has over 3500 plugins. Plugins are installed via npm locally. They are used to transform the behaviour of the files that passes through the data stream. Plugins can be Conditional or Inline too. Each plugin has a specified task and play role in dealing with HTML and CSS , Graphics , JavaScript , Unit Testing , Compilation or other miscellaneous activities. Few examples of plugins like  gulp-responsive , gulp-inject , gulp-sass , gulp-grunt , gulp-autoprefixer , gulp-jscs etc. 

Prerequisite for Installation : 

1.  Node.js should be installed in your system. The npm package manager must be installed while setting up Node.js.

2. Presence of any terminal application such as PowerShell, iTerm2, Bash Script etc, according to system requirements. 

Installation Of Gulp :

$ sudo npm install gulp-cli -g

Note: Run as Administrator if it is being used in Windows. Mac does not offer the same option.

$ npx mkdir install-project
$ cd install-project
$ npm init


“name”: “install-project”,

“version”: “1.0.0”,

“description”: “installation checking”,

“main”: “index.js”,

“scripts”: {

  “test”: “echo \”Error: no test specified\” && exit 1″


“author”: “XYZ”,

“license”: “ISC”


$ npm install --save-dev gulp

$ gulp --version

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